Anna Rogantini Picco

On leave
Monetary Policy Department
Research Division
Sveriges Riksbank
SE-103 37 Stockholm, Sweden
Macroeconomics, fiscal and monetary policy, international finance.
Short Bio
Anna has a PhD in economics from the European University Institute. She holds an MPhil in economic research from the University of Cambridge and an MSc in Economics from the University of Florence. Through the European Doctoral Programme, she spent a year of her PhD at the London School of Economics. She has been visiting the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and has carried out internships at the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of Italy.
Anna’s research interests include the heterogeneous effects of monetary and fiscal policy, their interaction, and the propagation of uncertainty.
Personal webpage:
Ph.D. Economics, European University Institute, 2020
European Doctoral Programme, London School of Economics, 2017
M.Phil. Economic Research, University of Cambridge, 2013
M.Sc. University of Florence, 2012
Published Papers
"Five Facts about the Distributional Income Effects of Monetary Policy", (with Niklas Amberg, Thomas Jansson, and Mathias Klein), American Economic Review: Insights, forthcoming
"Uncertainty Shocks, Precautionary Pricing, and Optimal Monetary Policy" (with Daeha Cho, Yoonshin Han, and Joonseok Oh), Journal of Macroeconomics, 69 (2021) 103343
Working Papers
"Risk Sharing and the Adoption of the Euro", (with Alessandro Ferrari), Conditionally Accepted at the Journal of International Economics
"Who Is Afraid of Eurobonds?", (with Francesco Bianchi and Leonardo Melosi)
"Macro Uncertainty and Unemployment Risk", (with Joonseok Oh)
"Fiscal Multipliers: a Tale from the Labor Market"