International banking statistics

International banking statistics illustrate the Swedish banking sector's foreign-related activities in various ways. The statistics cover balance sheet items broken down by counterparty country, financial instruments, currency and the counterparty sectors.

International banking statistics consist of two parts:

The statistics can be used to examine which countries and sectors Swedish banks are exposed to and where risks may arise, for example in the event of financial crises. The statistics describe the activities of Swedish-owned banking groups with parent company located in Sweden, including foreign branches and subsidiaries within the group i.e. the Swedish group´s banking activities. Intra-group positions are excluded. There are currently eight banking groups included in the survey.

The statistics can be used, among other things, to analyze banks' cross-border assets and liabilities and in which currencies lending and financing take place. The statistics describe banks' activities from a Swedish perspective, that is, from banks that are based in Sweden. Only activities conducted by offices located in Sweden are included, both for Swedish-owned and foreign-owned banks. Intra-group positions are included as each company is seen as a separate unit. There are currently 18 banks included in the survey.

* Note that Sweden-based banks have changed the name to Swedish banking sector when publishing regarding quarter 3 2023.

See More information for a comparison between Swedish banking groups and Swedish banking sector.

The statistics are published once a quarter. The next publication is scheduled for January 2025.

The statistics are also published by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) within the framework of International Banking Statistics (IBS):

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Updated 20/09/2024