Are payments in Sweden efficient?
Payments in Sweden are generally efficient. Digitalisation reduces the cost of payments to society because digital payments are cheaper than cash payments. Digital payments are now faster than ever, but it can still be expensive and cumbersome to make payments abroad. Digitalisation is also marginalising manual payment services and cash, increasing digital exclusion.
Figure 6. Most people in Sweden have Swish
Number of Swish users in millions.
Figure: Most people in Sweden have Swish
The figure shows how the number of Swish users has increased from 2013 to 2022.
Note. Data for 2022 extends to the end of September.
Download the data from the diagram by clicking on the arrow to the right, above the diagram.
Source: Swish (Getswish AB).
Published: 15 December 2022
What is required for payments to be efficient?
By efficient, we mean that costs to society, including energy consumption, for various methods of payment should be low. Payments should also be fast and convenient, users should have good access to payment services and there should be different payment methods to choose from, depending on the situation and circumstances.