No decision on e-krona yet
Published: 15 December 2022
No decision has yet been taken to issue an e-krona. This is an issue that will affect society as a whole and it is ultimately for the Riksdag to decide.
In December 2020, the Government launched an inquiry to analyse the future role of the state in the payments market. Among other things, the inquiry will consider whether Sweden needs an e-krona. Its findings will form an important foundation for the Riksdag’s decision on whether an e-krona should be issued. The inquiry was due to report on 30 November 2022, but it has been extended until 31 March 2023 (see FACT BOX - Payments Inquiry extended).
It is important that the Riksbank is ready to issue an e-krona if the Riksdag decides this should happen. The Riksbank is therefore working to prepare for an issuable e-krona. It is also important that other players in the payments market follow this work and participate in the preparations.