Questions and answers for new SELMA reporting

How do we get the result of a delivery? E.g. do we have to poll the system for results asynchronously (if using e.g. SFTP) or is there a synchronous protocol implementation (if using e.g. HTTPS)?
Acknowledgment of delivered report will be sent to the reporting institute through mail according to the Exchange specification.

Will we receive a report confirmation?
Yes, a confirmation will be emailed to your predefined inboxes that we want you to set up according to the document "Exchange specifications for SELMA reporting".

Is there a specific deadline time on the reporting day, when the report has to be sent?

Are we required to save sent reporting files?
No you are not, but it could be useful for you to know, that after we received your files, we will do a manual quality control of the statistics, beyond the automatic format control. This means that we might need to contact you about the contents of the files. Most often this will happen the day after the reporting day, but it could take some days as well. It is up to you as a reporter if you want to store files or recreate the statistics when needed.

Can the revised reporting file have the same name as the original reporting file, i.e. follow the name standard KeyFamily-ContentType-ReportType-Reporter-Period-Timestamp.xml as stated in the specifications for SELMA reporting
The revised reporting file can have the same name except for the Timestamp. This needs to be different to avoid duplicates.

If we have to revise the statistics on more than one day in a reporting period, can we report the statistics in the same revised reporting file or do we need to report these days in separate files?
Revisions for several days can be reported in the same reporting file. The days do not have to be consecutive to be reported in the same file.

Why can we not report any trades traded on a Swedish Holiday?
The time series database where we store Selma data is based on Swedish business days so we are not able to handle data on Swedish Holidays.

Does the Riksbank send any acknowledgement once a report is received?
Yes, e-mail will be sent to reporter as soon as reporting file has been collected. Content will be validated against basic rules and information whether file has been accepted or not will be included in the e-mail. A copy of the e-mail will be provided in time for testing.

Are the reportable amounts still in millions? i.e. 200,000,000 of notional to be reported as 200, this is to remain the same over all product types including futures?
Yes, in million SEK.

Rounding – We assume that rounding is to the nearest million: 3.4 million is rounded to 3 million and 3.5 rounded up to 4 million, is this correct?

Trades with Riksbank; both primary market buys and secondary market trading are now reportable to Selma?
Yes. As in the current definitions purchase of Riksbank Certificates from Riksbank are reported as Primary Market trades. If you sell Riksbank certificates to someone else it is a secondary market deal and has to be reported under relevant category. Selling or buying Government Bonds to/from the Riksbank is reported as trade with Riksbank.

NASDAQ cleared forward relates to futures trades?
Forwards should be reported regardless if they are cleared or not. Please see below for an extract from the definitions:

Refers to transactions settled later than 10 business days from trade date, also called t+11. Note that Nasdaq-cleared forwards shall always be reported as forwards (even if they were settled sooner than t+11).

If a trade is amended or cancelled within the report date time frame we can amend or cancel this in the report, but if a trade is cancelled a week later (not likely but possible) how do we reflect this? If at all? Example: 5 million reported last week, is cancelled tomorrow?
Reporting and revisions are done on the trade date basis (although reports are expected weekly or monthly).

Do we regenerate and resend the file for last week if we need to add a missed trade?
When you do corrections you need to send all transactions for the revised day not necessary whole report period (see page 1 in SELMA - Reporting routines).

Late trades – if our trade report for week 04.04.2016 to 08.04.2016 is reported on 11.04.2016 and a late trade is booked for 06.04.2016, how do we reflect this trade? Is it trade date in our system, or booking date?
Reporting is done on the trade date basis.

We are making the assumption that we report any notional amount in SEK issued bonds and any settlement FX are excluded?
Report should be done in principal amount (nominal or notional) in millions of SEK (see page 1 in New FI Definitions).

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Updated 08/03/2024