Series for the API

The series available for the API for interest rates and exchange rates are shown below, presented with GroupId, SeriesId and description.

Riksbank interest rates

Riksbank key interest rates
GroupId SeriesId Description
2 SECBDEPOEFF Deposit rate (01/06/1994 - )
2 SECBLENDEFF Lending rate (01/06/1994 - )
2 SECBREPOEFF Policy rate (01/06/1994 - )
2 SECBLIKVEFF Liquidity facility rate (08/06/2022)
2 SECBMARGEFF Marginal rate (30/01/1987 - 31/05/1994)
Other Riksbank interest rates
GroupId SeriesId Description
3 SECBREFEFF Reference rate (01/07/2002 - )
3 SECBDISCEFF Discount rate (09/11/1907 - 28/06/2002)

Swedish Market (based) rates

STIBOR (Stockholm interbank offered rate)
GroupId SeriesId Description
5 SEDPT/NSTIBORDELAYC STIBOR T/N (Tomorrow/Next) (30/06/1998 - )
5 SEDP1WSTIBORDELAYC STIBOR maturity 1 week (28/09/1987 - )
5 SEDP1MSTIBORDELAYC STIBOR maturity 1 month (02/01/1987 - )
5 SEDP2MSTIBORDELAYC STIBOR maturity 2 month (06/09/1994 - )
5 SEDP3MSTIBORDELAYC STIBOR maturity 3 months (02/01/1987 - )
5 SEDP6MSTIBORDELAYC STIBOR maturity 6 months (02/01/1987 - )
5 SEDP9MSTIBOR STIBOR maturity 9 months (06/09/1994 - 01/03/2013)
5 SEDP12MSTIBOR STIBOR maturity 12 months (06/09/1994 - 01/03/2013)
Treasury bills
GroupId SeriesId Description
6 SETB1MBENCHC Swedish Treasury Bill maturity 1 month (03/01/1983 - )
6 SETB3MBENCH Swedish Treasury Bill maturity 3 months (03/01/1983 - )
6 SETB6MBENCH Swedish Treasury Bill maturity 6 months (02/01/1984 - )
6 SETB12MBENCH Swedish Treasury Bill maturity 12 months (02/01/1984 - 21/04/2011)
Swedish government bonds
GroupId SeriesId Description
7 SEGVB2YC Swedish Government Bond, maturity 2 years (07/01/1987 - )
7 SEGVB5YC Swedish Government Bond, maturity 5 years (02/01/1985 - )
7 SEGVB7YC Swedish Government Bond, maturity 7 years (02/01/1987 - )
7 SEGVB10YC Swedish Government Bond, maturity 10 years (02/01/1987 - )
Fixing rates
GroupId SeriesId Description
8 SETB3MSTFIX Swedish Fixing rate maturity 3 months (13/08/1991 - )
8 SETB6MSTFIX Swedish Fixing rate maturity 6 months (02/07/1990 - )
8 SEGVB5MSTFIXC Swedish Fixing rate maturity 5 years (02/07/1990 - )
Mortgage bonds
GroupId SeriesId Description
9 SEMB2YCACOMB Swedish Mortgage Bond, maturity 2 years (03/01/1994 - 30/12/2019)
9 SEMB5YCACOMB Swedish Mortgage Bond, maturity 5 years (16/06/1986 - 30/12/2019)
Corporate certificate
GroupId SeriesId Description
10 SECP3MK1FIX Swedish Corporate certificate (CP) maturity 3 months (01/06/1989 - 06/10/2005)
10 SECP6MK1FIX Swedish Corporate certificate (CP) maturity 6 months (14/03/1991 - 03/10/2005)

International market rates

Euro market rates, maturity 3 month
GroupId SeriesId Description
97 EUDP3MUSD Euro market rate USA maturity, 3 months (28/11/1979 - )
97 EUDP3MJPY Euro market rate Japan, maturity 3 months (29/11/1979 - )
97 EUDP3MGBP Euro market rate United Kingdom, maturity 3 months (19/12/1979 - )
97 EUDP3MEUR Euro market rate EUR, maturity 3 months (04/01/1999 - )
97 EUDP3MNOK Euro market rate Norway, maturity 3 months (12/11/1981 - )
97 EUDP3MDKK Euro market rate Denmark, maturity 3 months (12/11/1981 - )
Euro market rates, maturity 6 month
GroupId SeriesId Description
98 EUDP6MUSD Euro market rate USA, maturity 6 months (28/11/1979 - )
98 EUDP6MJPY Euro market rate Japan, maturity 6 months (29/11/1979 - )
98 EUDP6MGBP Euro market rate United Kingdom, maturity 6 months (28/11/1979 - )
98 EUDP6MEUR Euro market rate EUR, maturity 6 months (04/01/1999 - )
98 EUDP6MNOK Euro market rate Norway, maturity 6 months (12/11/1981 - )
98 EUDP6MDKK Euro market rate Denmark, maturity 6 months (12/11/1981 - )
International government bonds, maturity 5 years
GroupId SeriesId Description
99 USGVB5Y Government Bond USA, maturity 5 years (02/02/1987 - )
99 JPGVB5Y Government Bond Japan, maturity 5 years (23/03/1987 - )
99 DEGVB5Y Government Bond Germany, maturity 5 years (09/02/1987 - )
99 NLGVB5Y Government Bond Netherlands, maturity 5 years (09/02/1987 - )
99 FRGVB5Y Government Bond France, maturity 5 years (08/02/1988 - )
99 GBGVB5Y Government Bond United Kingdom, maturity 5 years (02/01/1987 - )
99 EMGVB5Y Government Bond EUR, maturity 5 years (04/01/1999 - )
International government bonds, maturity 10 years
GroupId SeriesId Description
100 USGVB10Y Government Bond USA, maturity 10 years (02/01/1991 - )
100 JPGVB10Y Government Bond Japan, maturity 10 years (05/01/1987 - )
100 DEGVB10Y Government Bond Germany, maturity 10 years (09/02/1987 - )
100 NLGVB10Y Government Bond Netherlands, maturity 10 years (09/02/1987 - )
100 FRGVB10Y Government Bond France, maturity 10 years (08/02/1988 - )
100 GBGVB10Y Government Bond United Kingdom, maturity 10 years (02/01/1987 - )
100 EMGVB10Y Government Bond EUR, maturity 10 years (04/01/1999 - )
100 NOGVB10Y Government Bond Norway, maturity 10 years (31/05/1990 - )
100 DKGVB10Y Government Bond Denmark, maturity 10 years (04/01/1982 - )
100 FIGVB10Y Government Bond Finland, maturity 10 years (02/04/1990 - )

Exchange rates

Currencies against Swedish kronor
GroupId SeriesId Description
130 SEKATSPMI ATS Austria, shilling (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKAUDPMI AUD Australian, dollar (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKBEFPMI BEF Belgien, franc (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKBGNPMI BGN Bulgarian, lev (20/11/2023 - )
130 SEKBRLPMI BRL Brazilien, real (06/09/2005 - )
130 SEKCADPMI CAD Canada, dollar (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKCHFPMI CHF Switzerland, francs (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKCNYPMI CNY China, yuan renminbi (01/03/1994 - )
130 SEKCYPPMI CYP Cyprus, pound (02/01/1998 - 28/12/2007)
130 SEKCZKPMI CZK Czech Republic, koruna (01/01/1998 - )
130 SEKDEMPMI DEM Germany, mark (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKDKKPMI DKK Denmark, krone (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKEEKPMI EEK Estonian, kroon (01/01/1998 - 30/12/2010)
130 SEKESPPMI ESP Spain, pesetas (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKEURPMI EUR Euroland, euro (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKFIMPMI FIM Finland, marka (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKFRFPMI FRF France, franc (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKGBPPMI GBP Great Britain, pound (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKGRDPMI GRD Greece, drachmer (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKHKDPMI HKD Hong Kong, dollar (01/03/1994 - )
130 SEKHUFPMI HUF Hungary, forint (01/01/1998 - )
130 SEKIDRPMI IDR Indonesia, rupiah (01/01/1998 - )
130 SEKIEPPMI IEP Ireland, pund (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKILSPMI ILS Israel, shekel (20/11/2023 - )
130 SEKINRPMI INR India, rupee (01/03/1994 - )
130 SEKISKPMI ISK Iceland, kronor (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKITLPMI ITL Italy, lire (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKJPYPMI JPY Japan, yen (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKKRWPMI KRW South Korea, won (09/09/2005 - )
130 SEKKWDPMI KWD Kuwait, dinar (01/03/1994 - 28/02/2005)
130 SEKLTLPMI LTL Lithuania, litas (01/01/1998 - 30/12/2014)
130 SEKLVLPMI LVL Latvia, lat (01/01/1998 - 30/12/2013)
130 SEKMADPMI MAD Morocko, dirham (01/01/1998 - 24/11/2023)
130 SEKMXNPMI MXN Mexico, nuevo peso (01/01/1998 - )
130 SEKMYRPMI MYR Malaysia, ringgit (01/03/1994 - 28/02/2005) (20/11/2023 - )
130 SEKNLGPMI NLG Netherlands, guilder (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKNOKPMI NOK Norway, krone (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKNZDPMI NZD New Zealand, dollar (01/03/1994 - )
130 SEKPHPPMI PHP Philippine peso (20/11/2023 - )
130 SEKPLNPMI PLN Poland, zloty (01/01/1998 - )
130 SEKPTEPMI PTE Portugal, escudo (04/01/1993 - 28/02/2002)
130 SEKRONPMI RON Romania, leu (20/11/2023)
130 SEKRUBPMI RUB Russia, rouble (04/01/1993 - 25/03/2022)
130 SEKSARPMI SAR Saudi Arabia, riyal (04/03/1994 - )
130 SEKSGDPMI SGD Singapore, dollar (01/03/1994 - )
130 SEKSITPMI SIT Slovenia, tolar (01/01/1998 - 29/12/2006)
130 SEKSKKPMI SKK Slovakia, koruna (29/04/2005 - 01/01/2009)
130 SEKTHBPMI THB Thailand, baht (01/01/1998 - )
130 SEKTRLPMI TRL Turkey, lira (01/01/1998 - 30/12/2004)
130 SEKTRYPMI TRY Turkey, new lira (03/01/2005 - )
130 SEKUSDPMI USD US, dollar (04/01/1993 - )
130 SEKZARPMI ZAR South Africa, rand (01/03/1994 - )
SDR special drawing rights
GroupId SeriesId Description
138 SEKSDR SDR Special Drawing Rights (SEK/SDR) (27/06/2011 - )
Swedish TCW index
GroupId SeriesId Description
12 SEKTCW92 Swedish TCW-index (21/09/1981 - 30/06-2021)
Swedish KIX index
GroupId SeriesId Description
151 SEKKIX92 Svenskt KIX-index (18/11/1992 - )
Currency forward rates
GroupId SeriesId Description
155 SEKUSDFO3MFIX SEK/USD forward (FO) maturity 3-months (02/01/1980 - )
155 SEKUSDFO6MFIX SEK/USD forward (FO) maturity 6-months (02/01/1980 - )
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Updated 27/05/2024