Swedish banking groups

The statistics describe the activities of Swedish-owned banking groups, i.e. banks with parent companies in Sweden, including foreign branches and subsidiaries within the group. The statistics cover the financial assets of banking groups by counterparty country.

At the end of the second quarter of 2024, the total claims of Swedish banking groups amounted to SEK 11 442 billion. USA and Finland were the foreign counterparty countries where the claims were the largest, see the map below.

Swedish banking groups claims against foreign countries

The eight countries where the Swedish banking groups have the largest claims, Sweden excluded.

The eight countries where the Swedish banking groups have the largest claims, Sweden excluded. Sum for each country in parenthesis, SEK Billion. 1. USA (725,5) 2. Finland (698,3) 3. Norway (563,6) 4. UK (470,2) 5. Lithuania (299,1) 6. Estonia (262,5) 7. Germany (253,5). 8. Denmark (219,1). The confidentiality policy of the Riksbank can affect which countries are allowed to be presented in the map.
Source: Sveriges Riksbank.

Statistics on Swedish banking groups are produced once a quarter. The statistics are currently based on eight reporters. The reporting agents record their positions on their activities at a consolidated level (“consolidated situation”), including the foreign activities. These statistics were previously produced by Statistics Sweden until Q4 2022, when this was taken over by the Riksbank. See the previous statistics here.

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Updated 17/09/2024