100-krona banknote

1. Security strip
Vertical blue security strip with three windows. The windows feature images that move and alternate motif between KR and a royal crown when you tilt the banknote. The placement of the security strip may vary by up to 2 cm.

2. Colour-shifting image
Colour-shifting image linked to the person portrayed on the banknote, in this case a strip of film. The banknote's denomination, 100, is also shown in the image. The image and the denomination gradually change colour between gold and green when you tilt the banknote.

3.1 Intaglio print
Intaglio print, which makes the paper feel like a banknote and gives it a noticeable raised surface. Run your thumb over it or scrape lightly with a fingernail. Intaglio printing has been used for the portrait, denominations, the text SVERIGESRIKSBANK and the markings identifying the denomination.

3.2 Intaglio print

4. Watermark
Watermark with the banknote's denomination and portrait that are visible when you hold the banknote to the light. The denomination appears significantly lighter than the rest of the paper.

5. Security thread
Security thread embedded in the banknote paper. Visible as a dark line when you hold the banknote up to the light.

6. See-through picture
A pattern that, together with a matching pattern on the reverse, forms the denomination when you hold the banknote to the light.

7. UV image
UV image (three crowns) that fluoresces (glows) yellow and blue under ultraviolet light.

8. UV fibres
UV fibres spread across the entire banknote that fluoresce (glow) yellow and blue under ultraviolet light.

9.1 Micro- and minitexts
Text in Greta Garbo’s hair (selection of her film roles: Karin, Ninotchka, Marie Walewska, Anna Karenina, Katrin, Christina, Mata Hari, Susan Lenox, Yvonne, Anna Christie, Irene, Arden Stuart, Lillie, Diana Merrick, Tania, Marianne, Felicitas von Rhaden, Elena, Leonora, Grevinnan Dohna), written with no spaces or punctuation: KARINNINOTCHKAMARIEWALEWSKAANNAKARENINA KATRINCHRISTINAMATAHARISUSANLENOXYVONNE ANNACHRISTIEIRENEARDENSTUARTLILLIEDIANA MERRICKTANIAMARIANNEFELICITASVONRHADEN ELENALEONORAGREVINNANDOHNA

9.2 Micro- and minitexts
Text beside the denomination on the right side, repeated several times: SVERIGESRIKSBANK SVERIGESRIKSBANK SVERIGESRIKSBANK
1. Watermark
Watermark with the banknote's denomination and portrait that are visible when you hold the banknote to the light. The denomination appears significantly lighter than the rest of the paper.
2. Security thread
Security thread embedded in the banknote paper. Visible as a dark line when you hold the banknote up to the light.

3. See-through picture
A pattern that, together with a matching pattern on the obverse, forms the denomination when you hold the banknote to the light.

4. UV image
UV image (100) that fluoresces (glows) green under ultraviolet light.

5. UV fibres
UV fibres spread across the entire banknote that fluoresce (glow) yellow and blue under ultraviolet light.

6. Minitexts
Minitexts that can be read under magnification. The denomination repeated several times with a dot between the numbers, placed in the water: 100•100•100•100•100•100•100•100•100•100•100•100•100 Text by the map, repeated several times: SVERIGESRIKSBANK SVERIGESRIKSBANK SVERIGESRIKSBANK Text on the short edge, repeated several times: SVERIGESRIKSBANK SVERIGESRIKSBANK SVERIGESRIKSBANK

1. Greta Garbo
Actress Greta Garbo (1905–1990) is considered one of the greatest Hollywood film stars of the 1920s and 1930s. She made 27 films. Portrait engraved after photograph by the US photographer Clarence Sinclair Bull in connection with the making of the film Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise).

2. From the world of film
Strips of film (fictitious).

3. Greta Garbo’s film roles
Microtext that can be read with the aid of a magnifying glass (selection of Greta Garbo's film roles): Karin, Ninotchka, Marie Walewska, Anna Karenina, Katrin, Christina, Mata Hari, Susan Lenox, Yvonne, Anna Christie, Irene, Arden Stuart, Lillie, Diana Merrick, Tania, Marianne, Felicitas von Rhaden, Elena, Leonora, Elisabeth Dohna.

1. Stockholm motives
Collage of well-known buildings in Stockholm – the Riksdag (parliament building), the Palace, the City Hall – and a view of the lake Mälaren and Saltsjön, part of the Baltic Sea.

2. Greta Garbo’s Södermalm
Map of central Stockholm including the Södermalm district where Greta Garbo grew up.

3. Stockholm
Map of Sweden with Stockholm marked.

4. White water lily and fritillary
The provincial flower of Södermanland, the white water lily, and the provincial flower of Uppland, the fritillary or snake's head.
Facts 100-krona banknote
Motif obverse: the actress Greta Garbo
Motif reverse: Stockholm, where Greta Garbo grew up
Measures: 133 x 66 millimetres
Thickness: 125 micrometres +/- 10%
Colour: Blue
Will be introduced: 2016
Banknote paper: Manufactured of cotton fibres that are not fluorescent, which is to say they do not emit any light under ultraviolet light (other types of paper may emit a bluish glow).
Banknote numbers: The letters indicate the year in which the banknote was printed. A = 2013, B = 2014 etc. The two first digits indicate where on the printing sheet the banknote was printed. The final seven digits are a serial number.
Valid from 3 October 2016.