SWESTR (Swedish krona Short Term Rate) is a reference rate calculated and published by the Riksbank. SWESTR is a transaction-based reference rate calculated by the Riksbank based on transactions executed on the money market from one banking day to the next in Swedish kronor. The Riksbank also provides compounded average rates and an index based on SWESTR.
SWESTR 23/01/2025
- Volume62,783 MSEK
- Number of transactions184
- Number of agents6
- Rate at upper trimming boundary2.40 %
- Rate at lower trimming boundary2.30 %
- Calculation methodNormal
Calculation method
Compounded averages and index, SWESTR 24/01/2025
107.74538258%- 1 week2.38298 %
- 1 month1.85479 %
- 2 months2.24349 %
- 3 months2.48425 %
- 6 months2.96727 %
Averages and index
Reference rates fulfil an important function in the financial system in Sweden and in other countries and are used as a common benchmark when pricing financial contracts. To maintain confidence in Swedish reference rates, the Riksbank would like to see transaction-based reference rates used instead of traditional interbank rates. The Riksbank believes market participants should as soon as possible stop using STIBOR at its shortest maturity and instead use SWESTR. In the longer run, the Riksbank considers that STIBOR should cease for all maturities. Such a change must be done in an orderly manner and is a multi-year development project. The Riksbank will be active in supporting such a change.
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