Turnover in the Swedish FX Market

The Riksbank's reporting of turnover statistics in the foreign exchange market from the Riksbank's counterparties.

Every week the Riksbank publishes turnover statistics (SELMA) for the foreign exchange market, among others. The statistics include daily turnover statistics in Swedish kronor reported by the Riksbank's counterparties in foreign exchange transactions. The statistics show, for example, what turnover these counterparties have with the Riksbank.

With effect from 16 October and until the currency hedging is fully implemented, the published turnover statistics will not include transactions where the Riksbank is a counterparty. However, these statistics will be published retrospectively when the currency hedging is completed.

Since turnover statistics refer to purchases and sales of currency and only refer to transactions made by the Riksbank with counterparties subject to reporting requirements, it will, when published, not be consistent with the Riksbank's weekly reporting of sales of dollars and euros.

Link to the page: Currency hedging – sales of dollars and euros

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Updated 23/10/2024