
Here you can see and read about which coins are valid legal tender and which are invalid.

Valid coins in Sweden

In Sweden there are four different coins that are legal tender: 1-krona, 2-krona, 5-krona and 10-krona.

Valid coins

Invalid coins

Here you can see and read about which coins are invalid.

Invalid coins

What to do with invalid coins

Coins that are no longer legal tender cannot be redeemed by the banks or the Riksbank. These coins can be regarded as scrap metal and can therefore be left for metal recycling. For questions regarding the potential value to a collector of any coins, please refer to numismatists/coin dealers.

More about invalid coins

Statistics on notes and coins

The statistics on notes and coins are updated annually and monthly. It shows among other things the value of notes and coins in circulation.

Statistics on notes and coins
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Updated 13/10/2022