Cross-border payments can be made in different ways
Published: 15 December 2022
We make cross-border payments when we pay by card abroad or when we buy goods and services online from abroad. Transfers abroad via banks and other payment service providers are also cross-border payments. Such transfers may involve, for example, taxes, fees, school fees or gifts (see FACTS - How a cross-border payment works).
In the Riksbank’s 2022 survey, there were several questions about transfers from private individuals in Sweden to private individuals abroad. In the survey, around 10 per cent responded that they send money to other private individuals abroad every year. Small amounts (less than SEK 2,000) are the most common; see Figure 12.
Figure 12. Mainly smaller amounts sent from Sweden
Response to the survey question: "If you have sent money abroad, how much did you send on the last occasion? ", percentages.
Figure: Mainly smaller amounts sent from Sweden
The figure shows that the most common amount to send abroad is less than SEK 2,000.
Note. The results are based on a relatively small sample (216 interview responses) and should therefore be interpreted with some caution.
Download the data from the diagram by clicking on the arrow to the right, above the diagram.
Source: The Riksbank.
According to the survey responses, money is sent to individuals all around the world, but above all to people in Europe. A good 60 per cent sent money to another European country the last time they sent money. Among the European countries, Germany is the most common destination, followed by the United Kingdom, Norway and Spain. The individual country to which Swedes send money most often is the United States. After the United States, Thailand is the most common non-European country to which people send money; see Figure 13.
Note. The legends show the percentage for each continent to which survey respondents reported sending money the last time they sent money abroad to another private individual. The
results are based on a relatively small sample (216 survey responses) and should therefore be interpreted with some caution.