Auction results 2022-02-18

Auction results
Auction Result of auction
Auction date 2022-02-18
Loan 1056
Isin SE0004517290
Coupon, % 2.250
Maturity 2032-06-01
Tendered volume, SEK mln 500 +/- 250
Offered volume, SEK mln 2400
Volume bought, SEK mln 500
Number of bids 9
Number of accepted bids 4
Average yield, % 0.610
Lowest accepted yield, % 0.606
Highest yield, % 0.617
Accepted at lowest yield, % 30.00
Auction results
Auction Result of auction
Auction date 2022-02-18
Loan 1053
Isin SE0002829192
Coupon, % 3.500
Maturity 2039-03-30
Tendered volume, SEK mln 500 +/- 250
Offered volume, SEK mln 1550
Volume bought, SEK mln 500
Number of bids 13
Number of accepted bids 6
Average yield, % 0.731
Lowest accepted yield, % 0.725
Highest yield, % 0.735
Accepted at lowest yield, % 50.00
Auction results
Auction Result of auction
Auction date 2022-02-18
Isin XS2226974504
Coupon, % 0.125
Maturity 2030-09-09
Tendered volume, SEK mln 250 +/- 150
Offered volume, SEK mln 350
Volume bought, SEK mln 250
Number of bids 7
Number of accepted bids 5
Average yield, % 0.498
Lowest accepted yield, % 0.488
Highest yield, % 0.508
Accepted at lowest yield, % 100.00
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Updated 18/02/2022