The Sveriges Riksbank issues certificates from their own PKI platform in accordance to "Certificate Policy for Sveriges Riksbank PKI" Certificate Policy (Certificate Policies (CP) for the Swedish Central Bank, which is based on RFC 3647).

PKI Platform gives out certificates at the following levels;

Basic assurance level

The Basic Assurance Certificates platform gives out non-personal certificates or personal certificates with a limited function.

Medium assurance level

The Medium Assurance Certificates platform gives out personal certificate with a strong bond to the certificate holder.

High assurance level

The High Assurance Certificates platform provides personal certificates with a very strong bond to the certificate holder. The certificate ensures that the holder can not deny executed certificate transactions. Currently Sveriges Riksbank do not issue any certificates with High Assurance level, but this might change in the future if needed.

Sveriges Riksbank PKI platform is designed with the following structure

Information regarding the certificate service

  • For the moment no information

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Updated 22/03/2023