Conference on Inequality and Macroeconomics


Friday, December 12

Session I

(Chair: Klaus Adam, University of Mannheim and CEPR)

Is Piketty's "Second Law of Capitalism" Fundamental? [Paper]
Presenter: Tony Smith, Yale University

Macroeconomics and Heterogeneity, Including Inequality [Paper]
Presenter: Kurt Mitman, IIES

Does Redistribution Increase Output? The Centrality of Labor Supply [Paper]
Presenter: Felipe Schwartzman, FRB Richmond

The Power of Forward Guidance Revisited [Paper]
Presenter: Alisdair McKay, Boston University
Discussant: Gregory Thwaites, Bank of England

Session II

(Chair: Per Krusell, IIES and CEPR)

Household Inequality, Corporate Capital Structure and Entrepreneurial Dynamism
Presenter: Fabio Braggion, University of Tilburg
Discussant: Per Strömberg, Stockholm School of Economics and CEPR

Micro Data for Macro Analysis
Katarzyna Bankowska, European Central Bank
Boyan Genev, Eurostat
Piotr Paradowski, Luxembourg Income Study (LIS)
Tobias Schmidt, Bundesbank

What Do Data on Millions of U.S. Workers Reveal About Life-Cycle Earnings Risk?
Presenter: Fatih Guvenen, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Kjetil Storesletten, University of Oslo and CEPR

What Shifts the Beveridge Curve? Recruitment Effort and Financial Shocks
Presenter: Gianluca Violante, New York University and CEPR
Discussant: Vincent Sterk, University College London

Saturday, December 13

Session III

(Chair: Tor Jacobson, Sveriges Riksbank)

Demand Stimulus and Inflation: Empirical Evidence
Presenter: Marcus Hagerdon, University of Oslo and CEPR
Discussant: Arash Nekoei, IIES

Inattention and Inertia in Household Finance: Evidence from the Danish Mortgage Market
Presenter: Kasper M. Nielsen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Discussant: Joao Cocco, London Business School and CEPR

Doves for the Rich, Hawks for the Poor? Distributional Consequences of Monetary Policy
Presenter: Keith Kuester, University of Bonn
Discussant: Paola Boel, Sveriges Riksbank

Session IV

(Chair: Daria Finocchiaro, Sveriges Riksbank)

Grown-up Business Cycles
Presenter: Ayşegül Şahin, FRB New York
Discussant: Pedro Silos, FRB Atlanta

Unemployment (fears), Precautionary Savings and Aggregate Demand
Presenter: Wouter J. den Haan, London School of Economics and CEPR
Discussant: José-Víctor Ríos Rull, University of Minnesota and CEPR

Organizing committee

Klaus Adam (University of Mannheim and CEPR)
Paola Boel (Sveriges Riksbank)
Daria Finocchiaro (Sveriges Riksbank)
Tor Jacobson (Sveriges Riksbank)
Per Krusell (IIES and CEPR)
Tony Smith (Yale University)

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Updated 11/10/2018