Monetary Policy Department
Head: Åsa Olli Segendorf
In addition to a staff of advisers and secretaries, the department consists of five divisions:
- Economic Policy Analysis
- Monetary policy strategy
- Projections and macro analysis
- Research
- Statistics
Åsa Olli Segendorf is head of the department.
The Monetary Policy Department (APP) produces the material the Executive Board needs to make monetary policy decisions. The department also compiles the statistics on financial markets and economic developments that are required for this purpose and to meet international requirements of central banks' statistical production in general.
APP produces several different background reports for the Executive Board. The most important is a forecast of how inflation and economic activity will develop in Sweden and abroad. As the economy is fairly complex, simplified relationships are used – economic and statistical models with good forecasting capabilities.
These forecasts form the basis of the assessments that the Riksbank finally presents in the Monetary Policy Report. The department also produces draft texts for in-depth articles in the Monetary Policy Report with the aim of highlighting and providing more in-depth analysis of certain issues of importance. In addition, the department writes the minutes of the Executive Board's monetary policy meetings and provides draft texts for the speeches held by members of the Board.
In the statistics field, the department is responsible for Sweden's balance of payments and money and banking statistics. Statistics Sweden produces and publishes the statistics, but the Riksbank is responsible for their quality and development as well as international cooperation on these issues.