Calendar 2020
2 Sep 2020Jansson: Nordic Economic and Monetary Policy Outlook Wed 11:00
3 Sep 2020Skingsley: From crisis management to recovery - the Riksbank’s role in the next part of the crisis Thu 09:50 Published on the website 09:50
3 Sep 2020Ingves: The economic situation Thu 13:30
3 Sep 2020Ingves: Future of money: Which road? Thu 18:00
9 Sep 2020Flodén: Financial stability Wed 16:00
15 Sep 2020Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Tue 09:00
21 Sep 2020Monetary policy meeting 4 Mon 09:00
21 Sep 2020Ingves: Financial integration in the Nordic-Baltic region vis-à-vis the EU: a Swedish perspective Mon 16:00 - 18:00
22 Sep 2020Monetary Policy Report, September 2020 will be published Tue 09:30 Published on the website 09:30
22 Sep 2020Press conference on monetary policy decision Tue 11:00 Published on the website 11:00
The Riksbank is holding a press conference on its monetary policy decision. Stefan Ingves, Governor of the Riksbank, and Jesper Hansson, Head of the Riksbank’s Monetary Policy Department, will participate in the press conference.
The press conference will be broadcast live on the website but can also be watched afterwards.
Owing to the coronavirus, the following applies to visitors to the Riksbank: You must be in good health and have been free of symptoms for at least two days. We have removed many of the seats from the press conference room, so a maximum of two people from each editorial office may attend.
Venue: Sveriges Riksbank, Brunkebergstorg 11 -
24 Sep 2020Skingsley: How is the economy being affected by the crisis? Thu 09:05
28 Sep 2020Breman: Sustainable Finance – The role of central banks and supervisory authorities Mon 13:30
29 Sep 2020Ingves: The economic situation and current monetary policy Tue 09:00
30 Sep 2020Jansson: Future reforms and challenges Wed 17:15