Swedish Bankers’ Association forms working group for alternative to Stibor
News Around the world there are currently various projects to produce complements and/or alternatives to the current reference rates for financial contracts, partly because these provide a poor reflection of the actual interbank transactions. The Swedish Bankers' Association has now taken the initiative to forming a working group that will investigate and develop potential complements and alternatives to the Swedish reference rate, Stibor.
The working group consists of the banks that are currently on the so-called Stibor panel. The Riksbank, the Swedish National Debt Office, Finansinspektionen (the Swedish financial supervisory authority) and the Swedish Bankers' Association will participate as observers. The Swedish Bankers' Association will supply a secretariat. The purpose of the working group is to provide a recommendation during the latter part of 2019 regarding complements and/or alternatives to Stibor.