Welcome to the new riksbank.se!
News We are now launching our new website, with a new appearance, updated contents and a flexible technical platform. The aim is that the website will be easy to use and you can quickly find what you are seeking.

"We have based the new site on the needs of our target group and created an effective, secure and flexible website that can be quickly adapted to future requirements. A more refined design means that there is a greater focus on popular content, such as our most recent Monetary Policy Report, the calendar and news items," says the Riksbank's Director of Communication, Ann-Leena Mikiver.
The more well-used functions remain but have in some cases been given a new location. One example is search interest rates & exchange rates which has moved in under the Statistics heading, but which can also be accessed via a shortcut on the start page. There are also shortcuts to frequently asked questions, redeem invalid banknotes and special terms and conditions for auctions. As before, it will be possible to get interest rates and exchange rates via our open API (an open API means that we make selected areas of data accessible so that others can use them to develop their own digital services).
"A website is never finished, but we now have a stable foundation to work on and develop and we are pleased about this! Our visitors and their needs are always in our minds and we are working on becoming even better at evaluating our website," says Ann-Leena Mikiver.
For this first version of the new riksbank.se, the focus has been on content published from 2017 and onwards. News items, press releases, reports, speeches and other material published prior to 2017 can be found in the Riksbank's web archive (which links to the old website). The web archive will be accessible shortly.