New publication of international banking statistics
News Today the Riksbank published statistics for a new statistical product, international banking statistics. The statistics were previously produced by Statistics Sweden. In connection with the product being taken over by the Riksbank, it was further harmonised with the statistics requested by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and the selection of reporting agents was reviewed and expanded.
The statistics contain balance sheet data for Sweden-based banks and Swedish banking groups with significant foreign-related activities. The collected data compiles balance sheet data with information on instrument type, counterparty country, sector and currency distribution and is reported both consolidated and non-consolidated level.
At the end of March 2023, the statistics show, that the majority of Sweden-based banks’ liabilities are issued in Swedish kronor, but at the same time a significant part, about 40 per cent, are issued in foreign currency. The statistics on the Swedish banking groups show that the Nordic countries, together with the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and the Baltic countries, are the largest foreign counterparties in terms of claims.
More detailed information is published here.