The Riksbank proposes new regulations on reporting payment statistics

News The Riksbank proposes that payment service providers and payment system operators should regularly report data on their payment services and payment systems. The data is needed for the Riksbank to be able to fulfil its objectives linked to payments in the Sveriges Riksbank Act. The Riksbank is now seeking views on the proposal.

According to the Sveriges Riksbank Act, the Riksbank shall monitor developments on the payment market and contribute to the general public being able to make payments, both in normal times and in crisis situations and a state of heightened alert. The Riksbank shall regularly report on this work to the Riksdag Committee on Finance.

To be able to fulfil its obligations under the Sveriges Riksbank Act, the Riksbank needs to be able to collect and analyse statistics in the field of payments. The proposal will also improve the Riksbank's analytical base for its monetary policy work. No personal data will be included in the reporting.

The regulations are proposed to enter into force on 1 May 2025 and to begin to be applied in two different steps, on 1 May and 1 October 2025. The deadline for responses to the consultation is 28 September 2024.

Contact: Press Office, tel. +46 8-7870200
Updated 05/07/2024