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Registration of participation in bid procedure - Purchase of Swedish government bonds

149 kB -

REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPATION IN BID PROCEDURE Purchase of Swedish government bonds SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergs torg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 registratorn www.riksban Send to Sveriges...

Financial Stability Report 2010:2

4902 kB -

Financial Stability Report 2010:2 S V E R I G E S R I K S B A N K 1 F IN A N C IA L S T A B IL IT Y R E P O R T 2 / 2 0 1 0 SUMMARY OF THE STABILITY ASSESSMENT Financial Stability Report 2010:2 2 December 2010 2 F IN A N C IA L S T A B IL IT Y R...

Minutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting held on 6 September 2016

21/09/2016 -

It was noted at the meeting that the Executive Board agreed on the picture of the economic development and the inflation outlook described in the draft…...

Chat with Stefan Ingves 4 July 2017

04/07/2017 -

Thank you all very much for so many good and interesting questions. Wishing you a pleasant summer day. Regards from Stefan Ingves Hi…...

Special Terms and Conditions for the Riksbank's purchases of Government Bonds, bid date 14 January 2016

08/01/2016 -

Special Terms and Conditions for the Riksbank's purchases of Government Bonds via bid procedure Bid procedure 14 January 2016 Bonds Government…...

Myrdal Prize 2015 to the Riksbank's Conny Olovsson and to Paul Klein, Stockholm University

25/02/2016 -

Here is the jury’s citation: A well-designed tax system is a necessary condition for a strong labour market and good growth. There has been lively economic…...

Special Terms and Conditions for the Riksbank's purchases of Government Bonds, bid date 12 August 2016

05/08/2016 -

Special Terms and Conditions for the Riksbank's purchases of Government Bonds via bid procedure Bid date 12 August 2016 Bonds Government…...

Special Terms and Conditions for the Riksbank's purchases of Government Bonds, bid date 2 December 2016

25/11/2016 -


Final wage outcome, October 2016

83 kB -

Data Figure. Wages in Sweden according to short-term wage statistics Annual percentage change Sources: National Mediation Office, Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank First preliminary outcome Definitive outcome Revision Estimated definitive...

Low repo rate for longer, Executive Board ready to extend government bond purchases in December

27/10/2016 -

The international recovery is expected to proceed at a relatively modest rate going forward. Global inflation is expected to rise gradually from a low…...