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Weekly Report 2008-06-30

74 kB -

fram eng Change from previous weekly statement Assets, SEK million 6/30/08 transactions revaluations Gold 25,665 0 2 Claims on residents outside Sweden denominated in foreign currency Receivables from the IMF 4,121 24 215 Balances with banks and...

Weekly Report 2008-06-07

101 kB -

Weekly Report Assets, SEK million 6/7/08 Change from previous weekly statement due to transactions Gold 25,788 -26 Claims on residents outside Sweden denominated in foreign currency Receivables from the IMF 3,989 - Balances with banks and...

Weekly Report 5/23/2005

72 kB -

Weekly Report Assets, SEK million 5/23/05 Change from previous weekly statement due to transactions Gold 16,558 - Claims on residents outside Sweden denominated in foreign currency Receivables from the IMF 8,957 -38 Balances with banks and...


914 kB -

SVERIGES RIKSBANK WORKING PAPER SERIES Monetary Policy in an Estimated Open-Economy Model with Imperfect Pass-Through Jesper Lindé, Marianne Nessén and Ulf Söderström JUNE 2004 167 WORKING PAPERS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM Sveriges Riksbank •...


931 kB -

SVERIGES RIKSBANK WORKING PAPER SERIES Exchange Rate Puzzles: A Tale of Switching Attractors Paul De Grauwe and Marianna Grimaldi MAY 2004 163 WORKING PAPERS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM Sveriges Riksbank • Information Riksbank • SE-103 37 Stockholm Fax...

Penning- och valutapolitik 1999:3 artikel 3 Inflation forecast Targeting

194 kB -

In this article key points in the development of the present Swedish inflation targeting strategy are analysed. Since the implementation of the inflation target strategy began in 1993, three different phases are distinguished: the establish- ment...

Penning- och valutapolitik 2003:3 An Inflation Reports Report

92 kB -

■ An Inflation Reports report BY ERIC M. LEEPER Department of Economics, Indiana University, U.S., (e-mail: I was asked to evaluate the Riksbank’s Inflation Reports by Anders Vredin, head of the monetary policy group at...

Sveriges riksbank

314 kB -

The Riksbank’s Company Interviews SEPTEMBER 2009 T h E R I k S B a n k ’ S C o M P a n y I n T E R v I E w S2 T h E R I k S B a n k ’ S C o M P a n y I n T E R v I E w S 3 The Riksbank’s company interviews in September 2009 Economic developments...

October 2006

33 kB -

Blad1 International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity The table below shows statistical information from Sveriges Riksbank and the Swedish National Debt Office regarding International Reserves as well as predetermined and contingent net...

Inflation Report 2/1999 A new economic era in the United States? Some reflections

506 kB -

I N F L A T I O N R E P O R T 2 / 1 9 9 9 24 Economic growth in the United States in recent years has surpassed most forecasts at the same time as unem- ployment has fallen to levels that have not been seen since the 1960s. Instead of the rising...