Calendar 2020
7 May 2020Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Thu 09:00
7 May 2020Flodén: Household Welfare: Do We Need Big Data? Thu 17:30
8 May 2020Meeting of the General Council of the Riksbank Fri 13:00
11 May 2020Publication of the minutes from the monetary policy meeting Mon 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
11 May 2020Jansson: Monetary policy in the wake of the corona crisis Mon 14:00
18 May 2020Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Mon 09:00
20 May 2020The Financial Stability Report 2020:1 will be published Wed 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
20 May 2020Press conference on financial stability Wed 11:00 | Published on the website 11:00
25 May 2020The Riksbank’s Business Survey, May 2020 Mon 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
26 May 2020Ingves: Supervising the New Normal Tue 15:00
27 May 2020Skingsley: The Riksbank’s measures in connection with the coronavirus pandemic Wed 09:15
First Deputy Governor Cecilia Skingsley will participate in the conference Börsdagen and discuss matters including the measures the Riksbank has taken to mitigate the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
For more information, visit Börsdagen’s website.
Cecilia Skingsley will be available online afterwards for comments to the media. Contact Head of the Press Service Tomas Lundberg, tel. 08-7870215 for more information.
Venue: TV broadcast on DiTV and (TV broadcast open to all, free of charge)Organiser: Dagens Industri -
29 May 2020Ingves: Labor Market and Monetary Policy Conference Fri 15:40