Calendar 2020
7 May 2020Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Thu 09:00
7 May 2020Flodén: Household Welfare: Do We Need Big Data? Thu 17:30
8 May 2020Meeting of the General Council of the Riksbank Fri 13:00
11 May 2020Publication of the minutes from the monetary policy meeting Mon 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
11 May 2020Jansson: Monetary policy in the wake of the corona crisis Mon 14:00
18 May 2020Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Mon 09:00
20 May 2020The Financial Stability Report 2020:1 will be published Wed 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
20 May 2020Press conference on financial stability Wed 11:00 | Published on the website 11:00
25 May 2020The Riksbank’s Business Survey, May 2020 Mon 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
26 May 2020Ingves: Supervising the New Normal Tue 15:00
27 May 2020Skingsley: The Riksbank’s measures in connection with the coronavirus pandemic Wed 09:15
29 May 2020Ingves: Labor Market and Monetary Policy Conference Fri 15:40
Governor Stefan Ingves will hold a speech on hos structural changes in the economy affect the labour market and monetary policy, particularly during a crisis, at a conference organised by the central banks in Ukraine and Poland.
For further information and registration, see the Ukrainian central bank's website.
Venue: Digital, via ZoomOrganiser: The central banks of Ukraine and Poland