Calendar 2021
4 May 2021Open hearing on the Riksbank’s Account of Monetary Policy 2020 Tue 10:00
7 May 2021Flodén: The role of central banks in payments innovation Fri 10:00
7 May 2021Meeting of the General Council of the Riksbank Fri 13:00
10 May 2021Publication of the minutes from the monetary policy meeting Mon 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
10 May 2021Ohlsson: The economic situation and current monetary policy Mon 13:00
12 May 2021Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Wed 09:00
12 May 2021Breman: Addressing Climate Change, the Road to Net Zero Wed 17:05
20 May 2021Breman: The role of the banks in Sweden’s journey to zero emissions by 2045 Thu 09:30 - 11:00
20 May 2021Skingsley - where is monetary policy heading? Thu 13:30 - 14:30 | Published on the website 13:30
21 May 2021Jansson: The economic situation and current monetary policy Fri 10:00
24 May 2021Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Mon 13:00
25 May 2021Ingves: Policy Panel Discussion Tue 13:40
26 May 2021The Financial Stability Report 2021:1 will be published Wed 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
27 May 2021Skingsley: The Swedish economic situation, tools for financial stability and how can turmoil on the financial markets be prevented? Thu 09:10 - 12:40
31 May 2021Ingves: New financial environment - how is the Riksbank meeting the new challenges? Mon 12:30 | Published on the website 12:30
Governor Stefan Ingves discusses the Riksbank’s three main business areas – payments, monetary policy and financial stability. In the public debate, there is often a tendency to focus on one area at a time. But the different areas are dependent on each other. At the same time, technological development, globalisation and various reforms have brought about major changes to the financial environment, which, in turn, entail new risks and challenges for society. The new environment is affecting all of the Riksbank’s core activities – that is, payments, monetary policy and financial stability – and Ingves therefore discusses how the financial environment has changed - and how the Riksbank, in these different areas, is meeting the challenges brought by these changes.
Read more about the event on the NEF website.
Venue: OnlineOrganiser: Nationalekonomiska Föreningen (Swedish Economics Association)