Calendar 2021
4 May 2021Open hearing on the Riksbank’s Account of Monetary Policy 2020 Tue 10:00
7 May 2021Flodén: The role of central banks in payments innovation Fri 10:00
7 May 2021Meeting of the General Council of the Riksbank Fri 13:00
10 May 2021Publication of the minutes from the monetary policy meeting Mon 09:30 Published on the website 09:30
10 May 2021Ohlsson: The economic situation and current monetary policy Mon 13:00
12 May 2021Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Wed 09:00
12 May 2021Breman: Addressing Climate Change, the Road to Net Zero Wed 17:05
20 May 2021Breman: The role of the banks in Sweden’s journey to zero emissions by 2045 Thu 09:30 - 11:00
20 May 2021Skingsley - where is monetary policy heading? Thu 13:30 - 14:30 Published on the website 13:30
21 May 2021Jansson: The economic situation and current monetary policy Fri 10:00
24 May 2021Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Mon 13:00
25 May 2021Ingves: Policy Panel Discussion Tue 13:40
26 May 2021The Financial Stability Report 2021:1 will be published Wed 09:30 Published on the website 09:30
27 May 2021Skingsley: The Swedish economic situation, tools for financial stability and how can turmoil on the financial markets be prevented? Thu 09:10 - 12:40
31 May 2021Ingves: New financial environment - how is the Riksbank meeting the new challenges? Mon 12:30 Published on the website 12:30