Calendar 2022
14 Jan 2022Stefan Ingves: The Riksbank's view of economic developments and challenges for the Swedish economy Fri 11:10
18 Jan 2022Open forum: the inflation target and wage formation Tue 08:30
18 Jan 2022Ingves: The New Finance, Blockchain, Payment Systems, Tokens and Stablecoins, the Changing Rails of Banking and Commerce: in What do We Trust? Tue 15:15
25 Jan 2022Skingsley: From cryptocurrencies to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Tue 11:00
26 Jan 2022Extraordinary meeting: Financial Stability Council Wed 08:00
Max Elger, Minister for Financial Markets, has called an extraordinary meeting of the Council in light of recent developments. There are two main factors which give reason for an extraordinary meeting. The primary reason is the tense security situation in Europe and the risk of effects on the functioning of the financial markets, but there has also been a very sharp increase in the number of people infected by Covid-19 and there is a risk of a possible impact on the basic infrastructure services provided by the financial markets. Participants at the meeting will include, in addition to Minister for Financial Markets Max Elger, Finansinspektionen’s Director-General Erik Thedéen, Governor of the Riksbank, Stefan Ingves, Swedish National Debt Office Director-General Hans Lindblad.
28 Jan 2022Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Fri 09:00