Calendar 2022
4 May 2022Breman: Current monetary policy Wed 08:30
6 May 2022Publication of the minutes from the monetary policy meeting Fri 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
6 May 2022Skingsley: High inflation and a rising repo rate - what happens to the Riksbank's balance sheet? Fri 12:00 | Published on the website 12:00
10 May 2022Open hearing on the Riksbank’s Account of Monetary Policy 2021 Tue 10:00 | Published on the website 10:00
11 May 2022Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Wed 09:00
12 May 2022Ohlsson: Developments in the payment market (participation canceled) Thu 08:40Venue: Apelbergsgatan 27, StockholmOrganiser: Erik Penser Bank
12 May 2022Ingves: The economic situation and current monetary policy Thu 12:00
16 May 2022Stefan Ingves to take part in a hearing in the European Parliament Mon 15:45
17 May 2022Ohlsson: Monetary policy in times of war Tue 13:15 | Published on the website 13:15
19 May 2022Ingves: The new geopolitical map and the international influence of the Nordic region Thu 15:00 | Published on the website 15:00
19 May 2022Flodén: Monetary policy and reference rates Thu 17:00
20 May 2022Meeting of the General Council of the Riksbank Fri 13:00
23 May 2022Meeting of the Executive Board of the Riksbank Mon 09:00
23 May 2022Seminar: Climate Change and Energy Market Dynamics Mon 15:00 - 18:00
24 May 2022The Financial Stability Report 2022:1 will be published Tue 09:30 | Published on the website 09:30
24 May 2022Press conference on financial stability Tue 11:00 - Thu 12:00 | Published on the website 11:00
24 May 2022Breman: The financial sector’s growing role in the climate transition Tue 14:30
31 May 2022Ingves: Inflation target for almost 30 years: A robust framework for all time? Tue 12:00 | Published on the website 12:00