Working Paper Series
The Working Paper Series presents research reports on matters in the sphere of activities of the Riksbank that are considered to be of interest to a wider public. The papers are to be regarded as reports on ongoing studies and the authors will be pleased to receive comments. The views expressed in Working Papers are the responsibility of the authors and should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of the Executive Board of Sveriges Riksbank in the matters concerned.
Occasional Paper Series was published until 2013.
- 30/04/2019 No. 373 Institutional Investors and Corporate Investment_Internet Appendix_SRB_WP_29april2019
- 30/04/2019 No. 372 Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Energy Conserving Subsampling
- 30/04/2019 No. 371 Subsampling Sequential Monte Carlo for Static Bayesian Models
- 30/04/2019 No. 370 Does Targeting Reduce the Dispersion of Price Setters' Inflation Expectations?
- 11/04/2019 No. 365 The Interaction Between Fiscal and Monetary Policies Evidence from Sweden
- 26/03/2019 No. 369 The Consequences of Uncertainty Climate Sensitivity and Economic Sensitivity to the Climate
- 26/03/2019 No. 368 Fixed Wage Contracts and Monetary Non-Neutrality
- 19/03/2019 No. 367 Gains from Wage Flexibility and the Zero Lower Bound
- 12/03/2019 No. 366 Designing a Simple Loss Function for Central Banks Does a Dual Mandate Make Sense
- 12/03/2019 No. 364 Biased Forecasts to Affect Voting Decisions The Brexit Case
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Updated 13/11/2018
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