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Appendix 1, Questions linked to the request for information (rfi) for feasibility study in the e-krona project

07/04/2022 1 MB -

APPENDIX 1 QUESTIONS LINKED TO THE REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY IN THE E-KRONA PROJECT Dnr 2022-00329 2 Table of contents 1 Definitions and concepts 3 2 Preconditions 4 3 Categories of technical

Payments in Sweden 2020

17/12/2021 2 MB -

S V E R I G E S R I K S B A N K Payments in Sweden 2020 1 Contents 1 The payment market is being digitalised 4 1.1 The coronavirus pandemic has affected how people in Sweden and abroad are making payments 4 1.2 Many people

The carbon footprint of the assets in the Riksbank's foreign exchange reserves

25/08/2022 1,1 MB -

Economic Commentary The carbon footprint of the assets in the Riksbank’s foreign exchange reserves Emma Brattström and Ruzica Gajic NO. 4 2022, 12 April Table of contents 1 Reporting the carbon footprint increases

February 2022

31/03/2022 22,9 kB

Vägen till en bättre fungerande företagsobligationsmarknad

07/12/2021 1,1 MB -

Riksbanksstudie Vägen till en bättre fungerande före- tagsobligations- marknad NR 3 2021, 7 december 2 Innehållsförteckning 1 Företagsobligationsmarknaden behöver bättre motståndskraft 2 1.1 Coronapandemins utbrott

Jansson slides, Is it time to review the division of roles in macroeconomic policy

08/12/2021 888,7 kB -

Is it time to review the division of roles in macroeconomic policy? Sveriges Riksbank (8 December 2021) Per Jansson Deputy Governor The crisis of the 1990s • Domestic cost and financial crisis the result of long-term problems • Strong

Protokoll fullmäktiges möte 4 februari 2022

21/02/2022 594 kB -

PROTOKOLL Riksbanksfullmäktige Nr 1 SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATUM: 2022-02-04 1 [4]

Ingves presentation at the Riksdag Committee on Finance 2 February 2021

02/02/2021 746,3 kB -

Financial stability and risks in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic Riksdag Committee on Finance 2 February 2021 Stefan Ingves Governor of the Riksbank 1 The coronavirus pandemic continues to leave deep scars and the way back is long

Direktionens protokoll den 10 november 2020

04/12/2020 131,8 kB -

PROTOKOLL Direktionen, Nr 43 SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATUM: 2020-11-10 MÖTESTID: Kl 09:00

Protokollsbilaga B Utveckling av systemstöd för insamling av bankernas utländska tillgångar och skulder

04/12/2020 343,5 kB -

Beslut SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATUM: 2020-10-27 AVDELNING: Avdelningen för penningpolitik HANDLÄGGARE: