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Slides from the press conference 26 November 2020

26/11/2020 707 kB -

The Riksbank’s monetary policy 26 November 2020 Increased spread of infection – new downturn in the economy Zero interest rate and extended purchases of securities provide support in an uncertain time Increased spread of infection and

Protokollsbilaga A Ytterligare förlängning av swapfaciliteten med Federal Reserve Bank of New York

17/03/2021 251,7 kB -

Beslut SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATUM: 2021-01-28 AVDELNING: Avdelningen för marknader DNR 2020-00396 1 [2]

Slides, Monetary Policy Report February 2021

10/02/2021 4,9 MB -

Monetary Policy  Report February 2021 Chapter 1 Figure 1. Measures of the degree of government  restrictions to reduce the spread of infection Note. The index measures the extent of restrictions and comprises nine components that de‐scribe 

Monetary Policy Report September 2020

22/09/2020 3 MB -

Monetary Policy  Report  September 2020  Rectification 22 September 2020 An incorrect figure has been corrected in the box on page 34 in Chapter 3. Monetary Policy Report The Riksbank’s Monetary Policy Report is published five times a

Slides, Monetary Policy Report September 2020

22/09/2020 5,5 MB -

Monetary Policy Report September 2020 Chapter 1 Figure 1.1. GDP in Sweden and abroad Note. KIX is an aggregate of the countries that are important to Sweden´s international trade. Sources: Eurostat, national sources, Statistics Sweden,

Protokollsbilaga B Beslutsunderlag Förnyad anmälan av sidouppdrag

17/02/2021 117,5 kB -

Protokollsbilaga B Fullmäktiges protokoll 2021-02-05, § 5 Beslutsunderlag SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATUM: 2021-

The long-term effects of the pandemic on output and employment, article in Monetary Policy Report, July 2020

01/07/2020 770,7 kB -

46 MONETARY POLICY REPORT JULY 2020 Comprehensive economic policy measures to mitigate the negative economic consequences The restrictions introduced to hinder the spread of the coronavirus and people’s changed behaviour have had major

Protokollsbilaga B2, Riksbankens förvaltning 2019 FiU23

16/06/2020 413 kB -

1 Finansutskottets betänkande 2019/20:FiU23 Riksbankens förvaltning 2019 Sammanfattning Utskottet föreslår att riksdagen beviljar riksbanksfullmäktige ansvarsfrihet för dess verksamhet under 2019 och beviljar Riksbankens direktion

Slides from the press conference, 11 November 2020

11/11/2020 875,6 kB -

Financial Stability Report November 2020 The implemented support measures have ensured that the financial system has so far coped with the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic relatively well But there is considerable uncertainty and the

Principles for Central bank swaps between Scandinavian central banks

12/11/2020 301,6 kB -

Principles for Central Bank Currency Swap Facilities between the Central Banks of Denmark, Norway and Sweden Introduction 1.1 These Principles for Central Bank Currency Swap Facilities between the Central Banks of Denmark, Norway and