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The Riksbank’s oversight of the financial infrastructure

30/05/2012 -

The Riksbank oversees the financial infrastructure in Sweden as part of its work with what is commonly known as financial stability. Financial stability…...

The financial system is working well – but the growth of debt needs to be slowed down

04/12/2014 -

Good profitability in the major Swedish banks... Despite relatively weak economic activity, the major Swedish banks still have good profitability and…...

6 million 1000-krona banknotes will become invalid in 6 weeks' time

13/11/2013 -

 6 million 1000-krona banknotes will become invalid in 6 weeks' time | Sveriges Riksbank Skip navigation På svenska Web archive Printed from 6 million 1000-krona banknotes will become invalid in 6 weeks' time Date 13/11/2013...

Memo 7 – Consequences of an increased loan-to-value ratio

1264 kB -

PM SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATE: 27 January 2014 AUTHOR: Lisa Marklund DNR [Diarienummer] 1 [14] Memorandum 7 – Consequences of an...

Economic commentary: Why haven't companies raised their prices?

24/09/2014 -

The survey confirms the Riksbank's earlier theory: That companies have experienced difficulty in passing on their higher costs to consumers and that their…...

Smaller, lighter and nickel-free - why we are replacing our coins

30/11/2016 -

The new 1, 2 and 5-krona coins that we began issuing on 3 October are smaller and lighter, which makes handling coins more efficient. The new 2-krona coin…...

‘Big Data’: a panacea or chimera for economic policy?

2692 kB -

Advanced Analytics at the Bank of England Presentation to the Riksbank conference on Big Data: Building Strategies for Central Banks in Light of the Data Revolution 9 September 2015 Outline • Why are we interested? • What are we interested in? –...

Response by Swedish authorities to the Consultation by the Commission services on Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs)

166 kB -

Ministry of Finance Financial Markets Department Dnr: Fi2015/04660/FMA/B Banking Dnr: 15-13707 Financial Stability Department Dnr: 2015-00579 European Commission DG Financial Stability Financial Services and Capital Markets Union Unit D1 Bank...

Speculation, trading and bubbles

335 kB -

Speculation, trading and bubbles Jose´ A. Scheinkman Introduction Stylized Facts Model Remark on leverage Additional evidence References Speculation, trading and bubbles Jose´ A. Scheinkman∗ ∗Columbia University and NBER Sveriges Riksbank,...

Wage Adjustment and Productivity Shocks

579 kB -

SVERIGES RIKSBANK WORKING PAPER SERIES 253 Wage Adjustment and Productivity Shocks Mikael Carlsson, Julián Messina and Oskar Nordström Skans MAY 2011 WORKING PAPERS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM Sveriges Riksbank • Information Riksbank • SE-103 37...