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Occasional Paper Series No. 12 Ramses II – Model Description

06/03/2013 -

Ramses II – Model Description By Malin Adolfson, Stefan Laséen, Lawrence Christiano, Mathias Trabandt and Karl Walentin February 2013 Abstract This…...

Economic Review 2012:2

3129 kB -

Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2012:2 S v E R i g E S R i k S b a n k – 1 – sveriges riksbank economic review 2012:2 Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2012:2 – 2 – sveriges riksbank economic review 2012:2 SVERIGES RIKSBANK ECONOMIC REVIEW is...

Household indebtedness, house prices and the macroeconomy: a review of the literature

691 kB -

– 6 – sveriges riksbank economic review 2011:1 Household indebtedness, house prices and the macroeconomy: a review of the literature Daria Finocchiaro, christian nilsson, Dan nyberg anD albina soultanaeva* In the last 15 years, household...

Economic Review 2015:2

2091 kB -

Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2015:2 S v E R i g E S R i k S b a n k – 1 – sveriges riksbank economic review 2015:2 Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2015:2 SVERIGES RIKSBANK ECONOMIC REVIEW is issued by Sveriges Riksbank. PUBLISHER: CLAES...

SEK 1.8 billion left – the banks are able to accept banknotes until 31 August

01/07/2016 -

Now that these banknotes are invalid, you can no longer use them as a means of pay-ment. However, you can still deposit them in a bank account until 31…...

Motivated employees with a high level of confidence in the management

30/05/2011 -

The employees of the Riksbank are highly satisfied with their situation at work and are motivated. This is revealed by an employee survey recently conducted…...

European Systemic Risk Board analyses property markets and crises in the EU

04/01/2016 -

 European Systemic Risk Board analyses property markets and crises in the EU | Sveriges Riksbank Skip navigation På svenska Web archive Printed from European Systemic Risk Board analyses property markets and crises in the EU...

Calendar data for 2015

12/12/2014 -

The calender has been updated with the dates of the Executive Board meetings and the dates on which the Monetary Policy Reports, the minutes of the monetary…...

Change in the Investment policy for asset management 2012

87 kB -

Memorandum SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATE: 30 November 2012 DEPARTMENT: Asset Management Department (KAP) DNR 2012-855-AFS 1 [2]...

Skingsley: Evolving central bank mandates

630 kB -

Session 1 Evolving central bank mandates Cecilia Skingsley Deputy Governor Inflation targeting has been successful -4 0 4 8 12 16 -4 0 4 8 12 16 70 80 90 00 10 CPI Historical mean 1971-1992 Mean 8.3 STD 3.0 1995-2015 Mean 1.1 STD 1.2 Note. CPI...