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Bäckström: Sweden's economy and monetary policy

19/11/1997 -

Bäckström: Sweden's economy and monetary policy...

Bäckström: Asset Markets and Monetary Policy

16/06/2000 -

Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this conference on Asset Markets and Monetary Policy that the Riksbank and the Stockholm…...

Microsoft Word - 000616e.doc

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SVERIGES RIKSBANK Telephone Telefax E-mail +46 8 787 00 00 +46 8 21 05 31 Opening remarks Governor Urban Bäckström FRIDAY, 16 JUNE 2000 Asset Markets and Monetary Policy Conference organised by the Riksbank and the...

Nyberg: Swedish housing financing and the EMU

08/11/2000 -

I would like to start by thanking you for inviting me to HSB Bank's Economics Day and giving me this opportunity to talk about Swedish housing financing…...

The Riksbank’s domestic consultation responses 2015

 The Riksbank’s domestic consultation responses 2015 | Sveriges Riksbank Skip navigation På svenska Web archive Printed from The Riksbank’s domestic consultation responses 2015 Show all 2016 2015 2013 Date Header 29/10/2015...

Berg: A call for better economic statistics

06/06/2000 -

Berg: A call for better economic statistics...

Bäckström: Annual General Meeting: Address by the President of the Bank for International Settlements

05/06/2000 -

Bäckström: Annual General Meeting: Address by the President of the Bank for International Settlements...

Persson: The economic situation in a monetary policy perspective

11/06/2002 -

First of all, I would like to thank you for the invitation to participate in your congress and for the opportunity to expound the Riksbank's views of the…...

Srejber: Competition and growth

21/09/2001 -

According to the Sveriges Riksbank Act, the objective of monetary policy is to safeguard the value of money. The Riksbank has specified this in its inflation…...

Bäckström: Five years with the price stability target

18/02/1998 -

Bäckström: Five years with the price stability target...