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Asset Markets and Monetary Policy, June 16-17, 2000

16/06/2000 -

Organized jointly by Sveriges Riksbank and the Stockholm School of Economics...

Inflation targeting: implementation, communication and effectiveness, 10-12 June, 2005

10/06/2005 -

Workshop, Sveriges Riksbank Organized by Governor Lars Heikensten and Professor Lars Svensson, Princeton University, with the assistance of Claes Berg,…...

Monetary union and the economic geography of Europe – 10 years and a financial crisis later Bergen 30 May 2013

270 kB -

Deputy Governor Karolina Ekholm Discussion of “Banking Globalization, Transmission, and Monetary Policy Autonomy” by Linda Goldberg Conference on “Two Decades of Inflation Targeting” Stockholm, 3 June 2013 1 Summary Background: Increased...

Riksbanken Gerlach

109 kB -

Financial stability and monetary policy: A new policy framework for the euro area? Comments by Stefan Gerlach • Overview paper on linkages between monetary policy (MP) and macro prudential policy (MPP). – MPP is a set of new tools introduced as...


528 kB

The Governor of the Riksbank comments on the economic situation

16/07/2009 -

The Governor of the Riksbank comments on the economic situation...

The Riksbank transfers SEK 6.2 billion to the Treasury

14/02/2011 -

The General Council of the Riksbank has, in accordance with the Sveriges Riksbank Act, presented a proposal to the Riksdag (the Swedish parliament) for…...

The Riksbank’s Business Survey: Focus on costs as economic activity edges along

06/02/2015 -

 The Riksbank’s Business Survey: Focus on costs as economic activity edges along | Sveriges Riksbank Skip navigation På svenska Web archive Printed from The Riksbank’s Business Survey: Focus on costs as economic activity edges...


319 kB