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435 kB -

Introduction Bayesian model selection Parameterization George and McCulloch Motivation Stochastic Model Specification Search for Gaussian and Non-Gaussian State Space Models by Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter and Helga Wagner Discussion by Gabriele...

Inflation Report 1/1998 House mortgage interest costs

255 kB -

I N F L A T I O N R E P O R T 1 / 1 9 9 8 22 Since 1995, when the inflation target came into force, house mortgage interest costs have fallen almost con- tinuously. In that this item constitutes around one-tenth of the CPI, its downward trend...

Inflation Report 2/1999 Factors behind the path of inflation

534 kB -

I N F L A T I O N R E P O R T 2 / 1 9 9 9 19 International activity and inflation In many respects the international economic situa- tion is now more robust than at the time of the March Report. The strength of the US economy has been...

Monetary Policy Report 2007/3 The Riksbank’s company survey

131 kB -

■ 53 M O N E T A R Y P O L IC Y R E P O R T 2 0 0 7 / 3 CHAPTER 3 – ARTICLEThe Riksbank’s company survey The Riksbank has made a survey of companies in the Swedish business sector to obtain in-depth information on the companies’ views of the...

Monetary Policy Report October 2009 Unconventional measures and the risk of inflation

79 kB -

■ 49 M O N E T A R Y P O L IC Y R E P O R T O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 ART ICLE Unconventional measures and the risk of infl ation The unconventional measures taken by the Riksbank have led to a substantial increase in the monetary base, which...

Is there an optimal way to structure supervision?

817 kB -

31ECONOMIC RE VIE W 3/20 07 ■ Is there an optimal way to structure supervision? STEFAN INGVES AND GÖRAN LIND Stefan Ingves is Governor of the Riksbank and has previously worked, among other things, as Director of the Monetary and Financial...

Inflation Expectations in Sweden Money market agent expectations, annual percentage change

88 kB -

Figure 1: Inflation Expectations in Sweden Money market agent expectations, annual percentage change Sources: Prospera Research AB and Statistics Sweden Figure 2: Real estate prices Index 1996 4th quarter = 100 Sources: Australian Bureau of...

Seperate minutes of the Executive Board's monetary policy meeting from 22 April 2008

541 kB -

Separate minutes of the Executive Board, No. 3 DATE: 22 April 2008 TIME: 09.00 SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 1 [17] PRESENT: Stefan...

Turnover FI January 2008

18 kB -

FIeng0801 Turnover in the Swedish Government and Mortgage Securities Market* SEK millions, Total January 2007 ( 22 businessdays) Primary Market Reporter* Other Bank Broker Swedish customer Non Sw Customer TOTAL Government Bond Spot 3,000 140,533...

The crisis in the Baltic – the Riksbank’s measures, assessments and lessons learned

512 kB -

SPEECH SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATE: 2 February2010 SPEAKER: Governor Stefan Ingves LOCATION: Riksdag Committee on Finance,...