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No 76. Forecasting Swedish Inflation With a Markov Switching VAR

01/01/1999 -

Abstract Viewed over the whole available history of fiat money in Sweden, high levels of inflation have been present only over a short time span. It is…...

No. 254 Refining Stylized Facts from Factor Models of Inflation

01/09/2011 -

No. 254 Stylized (Arte) Facts on Sectoral Inflation...

September 2010

60 kB -

Blad1 International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity The table below shows statistical information from Sveriges Riksbank and the Swedish National Debt Office regarding International Reserves as well as predetermined and contingent net...

No 43. Real Exchange Rates and Fundamentals: Evidence from 15 OECD Countries

01/10/1997 -

 No 43. Real Exchange Rates and Fundamentals: Evidence from 15 OECD Countries | Sveriges Riksbank Skip navigation På svenska Web archive Printed from No 43. Real Exchange Rates and Fundamentals: Evidence from 15 OECD Countries...

No. 230 Effects of Organizational Change on Firm Productivity

25/06/2009 -

No. 230 Effects of Organizational Change on Firm Productivity...

The Riksbank's Company Interviews September 2010

411 kB -

The Riksbank’s Company Interviews SEPTEMBER 2010 T h E R I k S B a n k ’ S C o M P a n y I n T E R v I E w S2 T h E R I k S B a n k ’ S C o M P a n y I n T E R v I E w S 3 The Riksbank’s company interviews in September 2010 Good momentum under...

The Riksbank's Company Interviews January 2011

388 kB -

The Riksbank’s Company Interviews JANUARY 2011 T H E R I K S B A N K ’ S C O M P A N Y I N T E R V I E W S2 T H E R I K S B A N K ’ S C O M P A N Y I N T E R V I E W S 3 The Riksbank’s company interviews in January 20111 Production and profi...

No. 182. Bank Mergers, Competition and Liquidity

11/04/2005 -

No. 181. Inference in Vector Autoregressive Models with an Informative Prior on the Steady State...

No. 202 The geography of asset holdings: Evidence from Sweden

16/01/2007 -

By Nicolas Coeurdacier and Philippe Martin January 2007 Abstract This paper analyzes the determinants of cross-border asset holdings on cross-country…...