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Economic Review 2000

Economic Review 2000...

Central banks’ role, objectives and accountability

147 kB -

C e n t r a l b a n k s ’ r o l e , o b j e C t i v e s a n d a C C o u n ta b i l i t y104 Central banks’ role, objectives and accountability Svein I. Gjedrem The author is former Governor of the Central Bank of Norway and currently has a...

Presentation of new 1,000-krona banknote

15/03/2006 -

New, more secure banknotes...

New image on the 1000-krona bank-note

25/03/2013 -

The Riksbank has reached agreement with the copyright holders for the images and symbols that will be used on the new banknotes. In connection with this,…...

Riksbank and ECB Conference on Bank Resolution

13/11/2011 -

Location: Clarion Sign Hotel, Stockholm Östra Järnvägsgatan 35, Stockholm By invitation only The latest version…...

Articles to Financial Stability 2002:2

60 kB -

Data - 47 Figure 47. Annual percentage growth in real GDP and lending to the private sector. Per cent Sources: Statistics Sweden och Riksbanken NYTT Real GDP-growth Real lending growth 3/31/88 3.79 11.61 6/30/88 2.60 16.34 9/30/88 1.07 16.22...

Forward Guidance, Quantitative Easing, or both?

172 kB -

Forward Guidance, Quantitative Easing, or both? Ferre De Graeve & Konstantinos Theodoridis Sveriges Riksbank - May 2017 De Graeve & Theodoridis () Maturity policy 1 / 33 Broad Research Question Unconventional monetary policy Foward Guidance (FG)...