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Heikensten: Minor changes to the inflation outlook

30/11/2004 -

Heikensten: Minor changes to the inflation outlook...

Microsoft Word - 031121e.doc

235 kB -

SPEECH DATE: 21 November 2003 SPEAKER: Governor Lars Heikensten LOCATION: Frankfurt European Banking Congress SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31

Heikensten: The Riksbank's work on financial stability

25/11/2003 -

The Riksbank's work on financial stability...

Wickman-Parak: Financial Stability in focus

29/10/2009 -

Wickman-Parak: Financial Stability in focus...

Professor Kenneth Rogoff visits Riksbank

14/11/2005 -

Professor Kenneth Rogoff visits Riksbank...

Response by the Riksbank to the European Commission’s call for evidence on Directive 1997/9/EC on investor-compensation schemes (ICSD)

08/04/2009 -

Response by the Riksbank to the European Commission’s call for evidence on Directive 1997/9/EC on investor-compensation schemes (ICSD)...

Kai Barvèll new head of General Secretariat

11/10/2006 -

Kai Barvèll new head of General Secretariat...


771 kB -

SVERIGES RIKSBANK WORKING PAPER SERIES Are Constant Interest Rate Forecasts Modest Interventions? Evidence from an Estimated Open Economy DSGE Model of the Euro Area Malin Adolfson, Stefan Laseén, Jesper Lindé and Mattias Villani MARCH 2005 180...

Annex: Figures for the speech ”Evaluating monetary policy”

276 kB -

Annex: Figures for the speech ”Evaluating monetary policy” DATE: 13 March 2009 SPEAKER: Deputy Governor Lars E. O. Svensson LOCALITY: Uppsala University SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21...

The current economic situation

362 kB -

SPEECH DATE: 5 March 2009 SPEAKER: First Deputy Governor Svante Öberg LOCALITY: Jönköping SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 1 [11] The...