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Changes in the routine for EU payments

03/02/2003 -

In accordance with the European Commission's new rules and regulations (no 1997/2002, of 8 Nov 2002), payments to member states shall be made in euro as…...

The current situation for monetary policy

23/10/1997 -

I should like to thank the Committee for the invitation to discuss the Swedish economy and the current situation for monetary policy. In my opening remarks…...

The Swedish economy and wage formation

22/05/1997 -

IntroductionFirst I should like to express my thanks for the invitation to discuss Sweden's economy and wage formation. The topic is important. Economic…...

Srejber: The property market and economic developments in Sweden

09/05/2001 -

Introduction To begin with, I would like to thank you for the invitation and opportunity to talk about the Swedish property market. On the part of the…...

Bäckström: The Swedish economy

29/01/2001 -

Thank you for inviting me to Gotland to talk about the Swedish economy. Being in Visby is always a pleasure, besides reviving many memories — as…...

Nordic Central Banks Conclude MoU on Financial Crisis Management

12/06/2003 -

At their meeting in Stykkishólmur, Iceland, on June 11, 2003, the Governors of the central banks of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden signed…...

Memorandum of Understanding on high-level principles of cooperation between the banking supervisors and central banks of the European Union in crisis management situations

10/03/2003 -

The banking supervisory authorities and central banks of the EU have a regular cooperation through the Banking Supervision Committee. A working group of…...

Allocation of the Riksbank's net income 2002

14/02/2003 -

The General Council of the Riksbank has today presented a proposal to the Riksdag (the Swedish parliament) regarding the allocation of the Riksbank's net…...

The Swedish Financial Market 2003

01/07/2003 -

The Riksbank has today published The Swedish Financial Market 2003 (in Swedish - an English version will be available in August). This publication is issued…...

Bild 1

1280 kB -

Penningpolitisk rapport oktober 2010 Sveriges ekonomi växer snabbt Starkt i Sverige men långsamt i USA och euroområdet BNP-tillväxt Källor: Eurostat, Bureau of Economic Analysis och Riksbanken Stora skillnader i konsumentförtroendet Antal...