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Today's auction of SEK loans and variable rate has now been completed (maturity 84 days)

04/05/2009 -

Today's auction of SEK loans and variable rate has now been completed (maturity 84 days)...

Increased loans and longer maturity

06/10/2008 -

Given the international financial turbulence, the Riksbank has decided to lend more money to the banks. The amount offered in today’s auction is now raised…...

The payment system did not fail

03/10/2008 -

The payment system did not fail...

Today’s auction of 3-month and 12-month SEK loans with variable rate has now been completed

24/08/2009 -

The Riksbank decided on 13 February to establish a special credit facility in SEK with a maturity of 3 and 6 months and variable interest rate. On 7 May…...

Today's auction of SEK loans and variable rate has now been completed (maturity 84 days)

01/06/2009 -

The Riksbank decided on 13 February to establish a special credit facility in SEK with a maturity of 3 months and variable interest rate. The auction was…...

On 10 June the Riksbank offers new SEK loans against commercial paper (168 days)

03/06/2009 -

On 10 June the Riksbank offers new SEK loans against commercial paper (168 days)...

Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2004:2

08/06/2004 -

Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2004:2...

Rosenberg: Some questions regarding current monetary policy

16/03/2006 -

Some questions regarding current monetary policy...

Persson: The current economic situation

13/09/2006 -

Persson: The current economic situation...

Persson: What will happen with employment in an increasingly globalised world?

11/04/2005 -

What will happen with employment in an increasingly globalised world?...