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Your search gave 22273 results.
880 kB -SVERIGES RIKSBANK WORKING PAPER SERIES Firm-Specific Capital, Nominal Rigidities and the Business Cycle David Altig, Lawrence Christiano, Martin Eichenbaum and Jesper Lindé DECEMBER 2004 176 WORKING PAPERS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM Sveriges Riksbank •...
Swedish households’ indebtedness and ability to pay – a household level study Martin W Johansson och Mattias Persson
80 kB -P E N N I N G - O C H V A L U T A P O L I T I K 3 / 2 0 0 624 ■ Swedish households’ indebtedness and ability to pay – a household level study* MARTIN W. JOHANSSON AND MATTIAS PERSSON Household borrowing has increased considerably in a number of...
Penning- och valutapolitik 2001:2 artiekl 4 Dealing with financial instability: The central bank's tool kit
179 kB -Introduction This note identifies a dozen tools available to central banks for dealing with financial insta- bility. These tools are grouped into three cat- egories: targeted actions, generalized actions, and informational tools. Targeted...
312 kB -Estimating New-Keynesian Phillips Curves: A Full Information Maximum Likelihood Approach Jesper Lindé∗ Sveriges Riksbank Working Paper Series No. 129 Revised version March 2005 Abstract The New-Keynesian Phillips curve has recently become an...
Economic Review 2003:3 article 5 Financial bubbles and monetary policy
107 kB -E C O N O M I C R E V I E W 3 / 2 0 0 3 119 Financial bubbles and monetary policy BY HANS DILLÉN AND PETER SELLIN The authors work in the Monetary Policy Department. We look here at a number of periods in which asset prices have displayed...
Economic Review 2000:3 article 3 Dealing with banking crises - proposal for a new regulatory framework
71 kB -The Swedish banking crisis in the early 1990s was an extraordinary event. The age-old assumption that the Swedish banking system was sufficiently stable to cope with any shock was suddenly found wanting and a massive government res- cue...
Monetary Policy Report 2008:2 The rate of increase in the CPIX will be below the CPI for a long time
145 kB -■ 49 M O N E T A R Y P O L IC Y R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 / 2 CHAPTER 3 – BOXThe rate of increase in the CPIX will be below the CPI for a long time 14 Loans with terms of 1, 3 and 8 years were included in the CPI in 2004. Last mortgage loans in banks,...
1997:2 Has the inflation process changed?
53 kB -HAS THE INFLATION PROCESS CHANGED? The factors that condition the rate of inflation include inflation expectations and cyclical move- ments in production and employment. In other words, inflation is affected both by confidence in monetary...
Quarterly Review 1999:2 Article 1 The current situation for monetary policy
60 kB -On 1 January 1999, the Riksbank acquired an independent status even in a formal sense. By the same token, Chapter 6, Article 4 of the amended Riksbank Act (1998:1385), stipulates that the Riksbank is to hand over a written report on monetary...
Microsoft Word - NBOreport2009_2.docx
241 kB -December, 2009 The Nordic-Baltic Office International Monetary Fund Report 2009/2 Recent Policy Developments in the International Monetary Fund 1 CONTENTS I. Introduction...