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Weekly Report

70 kB -

Weekly Report Assets, SEK million 12/7/15 Change from previous weekly statement due to transactions Gold 37,819 - Claims on residents outside Sweden denominated in foreign currency Receivables from the IMF 34,357 -238 Balances with banks and...

Turnover FI September 2014

36 kB -

FIeng2014 09 Turnover in the Swedish Government and Mortgage Securities Market* SEK millions, Total September 2014 ( 22 businessdays) Primary Market Reporter* Other Bank Broker Swedish customer Non Sw Customer TOTAL Government Bond Spot 5,525...

Turnover FI April 2015

36 kB -

FIeng2015 04 Turnover in the Swedish Government and Mortgage Securities Market* SEK millions, Total April 2015 20 businessdays Primary Market Reporter* Other Bank Broker Swedish customer Non Sw Customer TOTAL Government Bond Spot 9607 13372 1975...

Turnover FI December 2014

36 kB -

FIeng2014 12 Turnover in the Swedish Government and Mortgage Securities Market* SEK millions, Total December 2014 (19 businessdays) Primary Market Reporter* Other Bank Broker Swedish customer Non Sw Customer TOTAL Government Bond Spot 3,201...

Turnover FI February 2015

36 kB -

FIeng2015 02 Turnover in the Swedish Government and Mortgage Securities Market* SEK millions, Total February 2015 ( 20 businessdays) Primary Market Reporter* Other Bank Broker Swedish customer Non Sw Customer TOTAL Government Bond Spot 6650...

Turnover FX October 2011

26 kB -

FXeng 2011 Oct Currency Market SEK against other currencies - Total Turnover, Million SEK* October 2011 21 businessdays CONTRACT TYPE COUNTERPARTY Reporter * Other bank Swedish customer Non Sw Customer Totalt SEK/EUR Avista 121163 346867 121621...

Revised Turnover FX January 2012

26 kB -

FXeng 2012 01 REVISED 2013-06-30 Currency Market SEK against other currencies - Total Turnover, Million SEK* January 2012 21 businessdays CONTRACT TYPE COUNTERPARTY Reporter * Other bank Swedish customer Non Sw Customer Totalt SEK/EUR Avista...

Monetary Policy Report February 2011 Lower policy rates in Sweden and abroad

330 kB -

■ 0 1 2 3 4 5 1413121110090807060504 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 1413121110090807060504 j p g 46 M O N E T A R Y P O L IC Y R E P O R T F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 1 ART ICLE Figure A15. Policy rates abroad TCW-weighted, per cent, quarterly...

April 2013

26 kB -

Blad1 International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity The table below shows statistical information from Sveriges Riksbank and the Swedish National Debt Office regarding International Reserves as well as predetermined and contingent net...