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What is a typical business cycle?

253 kB -

SPEECH DATE: 7 October 2008 SPEAKER: Deputy Governor Barbro Wickman-Parak LOCALITY: Nordea INFORMATION CLASSIFICATION: SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31

Rosenberg: The current monetary policy situation

29/01/2004 -

The whole speech Thank you for the invitation to come here and speak about monetary policy. In recent months there have been many comments on what the…...

Why do we need measures of underlying inflation?

308 kB -

E C O N O M I C R E V I E W 2 / 2 0 0 8 23 n Why do we need measures of underlying inflation? Jesper Hansson, Jesper JoHansson and stefan palmqvist The authors work at the Riksbank's Monetary Policy Department. The Riksbank’s inflation target is...

Supervisory arrangements, LoLR and crisis management in a single European banking market

62 kB -

P E N N I N G - O C H V A L U T A P O L I T I K 2 / 2 0 0 6 15 ■ Supervisory arrangements, LoLR and crisis management in a single European banking market BY ARNOUD W.A. BOOT Arnoud W.A. Boot is Professor of Corporate Finance and Financial Markets...

Economic Review 2001:4 article 3 Explaining wage developments

266 kB -

Assessments of wage developments are important for any central bank that con- ducts monetary policy focused on price stability. This article discusses the advan- tages and disadvantages of various empirical approaches to explaining wage...

No. 197. Derivation and Estimation of a New Keynesian Phillips Curve in a Small Open Economy

294 kB -

SverigeS rikSbank working paper SerieS 197 Derivation and estimation of a new keynesian phillips Curve in a Small open economy Karolina Holmberg MaY 2006 working paperS are obtainable froM Sveriges riksbank • information riksbank • Se-103 37...

_Sid 1 och 2

74 kB -

E C O N O M I C R E V I E W 1 / 2 0 0 6 37 ■ How do large current- account surpluses co-exist with a weak international investment position? BY GUNNAR BLOMBERG AND MARIA FALK Gunnar Blomberg and Maria Falk work at the Monetary Policy Department.

Economic Review 2004:3 article 1 Assessment of the Riksbank´s Work on Financial Stability Issues

68 kB -

E C O N O M I C R E V I E W 3 / 2 0 0 4 5 Assessment of the Riksbank’s Work on Financial Stability Issues BY FRANKLIN ALLEN, LENNART FRANCKE AND MARK W. SWINBURNE Franklin Allen, University of Pennsylvania, Lennart Francke, Svenska...

No. 202 The geography of asset holdings: Evidence from Sweden

342 kB -

SverigeS rikSbank working paper SerieS 202 The geography of asset holdings: evidence from Sweden Nicolas Coeurdacier and Philippe Martin January 2007 working paperS are obTainable from Sveriges riksbank • information riksbank • Se-103 37...


672 kB -

SVERIGES RIKSBANK WORKING PAPER SERIES 170 The Welfare Cost of Imperfect Competition and Distortionary Taxation Magnus Jonsson OCTOBER 2004 WORKING PAPERS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM Sveriges Riksbank • Information Riksbank • SE-103 37 Stockholm Fax...