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Repo rate held unchanged at 2 per cent

204 kB -

PRESS RELEASE SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATE: 27 October 2011 NO. 16 CONTACT Press office, tel. +46-(0)8-787 0200 1 [2] Repo rate...

Session 6: Links between central banking and fiscal policy

07/06/2016 -

Isabel Correia, Banco de Portugal Pierpaolo Benigno, LUISS Guido Carli According to Isabel Correia, the financial crisis has meant that we are…...


278 kB -

Central Bank Lending and Money Market Discipline Marie Hoerova European Central Bank Cyril Monnet FRB Philadelphia November 2010 PRELIMINARY Abstract This paper provides a theory for the joint existence of lending on a private money market and...

Session 2: The central bank’s role as a provider of liquidity

07/06/2016 -

Franklin Allen, Imperial College London and University of Pennsylvania Linda S Goldberg, Federal Reserve Bank of New York One of the reasons…...

Monetary Policy Update September 2013

1479 kB -

ISSN 2001-0311 Monetary Policy Update September 2013 Economic developments both in Sweden and abroad have been largely in line with the forecast made by the Riksbank in July. There are now signs that an improvement has begun in the euro area,...

Press Release: Lars E.O. Svensson leaves the Riksbank

114 kB -

PRESS RELEASE SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATE: 22 April 2013 NO. 8 CONTACT Press Office, tel. +46-8-7870200 1 [1] Lars E.O. Svensson...

Turnover FX September 2013

26 kB -

FXeng 2013 09 Currency Market SEK against other currencies - Total Turnover, Million SEK* September 2013 21 businessdays CONTRACT TYPE COUNTERPARTY Reporter * Other bank Swedish customer Non Sw Customer Totalt SEK/EUR Avista 120,572 347,204...

Final wage outcomes (rev 09/05/12)

82 kB -

Data Figure. Wages in Sweden according to short-term wage statistics Annual percentage change Sources: National Mediation Office, Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank First preliminary outcome Definitive outcome Revision Estimated definitive...


517 kB -

SverigeS rikSbank working paper SerieS 208 Financial Frictions, investment and Tobin’s q Dan Cao, Guido Lorenzoni and Karl Walentin JUNE 2007 (Revised JUNE 2018) working paperS are obTainable From Sveriges riksbank • information riksbank • Se-103...

Monetary Policy Report October 2014: Monetary policy when the policy rate is close to zero

50 kB -

M O N E T A R Y P O L I C Y R E P O R T O C T O B E R 2 0 1 4 39  Monetary policy when the policy rate is close to zero What can the central bank do to further stimulate the economy when the policy rate is close to zero? This article lists...