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The Riksbank’s Business Survey: Companies hope for a clearer turnaround by the summer

04/02/2014 -

While there have been only small improvements for the manufacturing industry as a whole, these improvements have taken place on a broad front and apply…...

Jansson: Perspectives on the Riksbank’s monetary policy

1602 kB -

SPEECH SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATE: 7 June 2013 SPEAKER: Deputy Governor Per Jansson LOCATION: Centre for Business and Policy...

Sverige behöver sitt inflationsmål

1213 kB -

SPEECH SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 DATE: 13/10/2015 SPEAKER: Deputy Governor Martin Flodén LOCATION: Fores, Stockholm 1 [13] Sweden...

Skingsley: Current Monetary Policy

552 kB -

Deputy governor Cecilia Skingsley Current Monetary Policy Sparbanken Skaraborg 10 September The Riksbank’s main tasks Promote a safe and efficient payment system Maintain price stability Inflation target underpins price and wage formation...

Minutes of monetary policy meeting, July 2013

304 kB -

Minutes of monetary policy meeting JULY 2013 Summary At the monetary policy meeting on 2 July, the Executive Board of the Riksbank decided to hold the repo rate unchanged at 1.0 per cent and to leave the repo-rate path largely unchanged. It was...

Ingves Governor for six more years

28/06/2011 -

Ingves Governor for six more years...

Some Lessons from Six Years of Practical Inflation Targeting

923 kB -

– 29 – penning- och valutapolitik 2013:3 | Jubileumsnummer Some Lessons from Six Years of Practical Inflation Targeting Lars E.O. svEnssOn* SIFR – The Institute for Financial Research, Swedish House of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics and...

New search function for interest rates and exchange rates

20/01/2012 -

From 20 January the entire area of interest and exchange rates changed. A new feature to search for interest rates and exchange rates have been introduced.…...

Österberg to replace Pagrotsky on the General Council of the Riksbank

31/05/2011 -

Today, Tuesday 31 May, the Riksdag has resolved that Sven-Erik Österberg will replace Leif Pagrotsky on the General Council of the Riksbank. It…...

Ingves: Restoring confidence in banks

04/03/2014 -

Many people's confidence in the banking sector was lost during the financial crisis. The Basel III Accord plays an important part in restoring this confidence.…...