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Comments to the Green paper on Mortgage Credit

76 kB -

SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm Ministry of Finance Sweden Memorandum 30 November 2005 Comments to the Green paper on Mortgage Credit General We appreciate the objectives of the Commission work as regards mortgage credit to increase...


73 kB -

PRESS RELEASE DATE: 08 November 2005 NO: 65 CONTACT: Monetary Policy Department, Linda Sjöblom, tel. +46 8 787 05 16 Kristina Sundholm, tel. +46 8 787 02 31 or Ryan Loesch, tel. +46 8 787 08 20 SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm...

Fullmäktiges yttrande över remiss av rapporten En utvärdering av den svenska penningpolitiken 1995 - 2005 (2006/07:RFR1)

301 kB -

SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 Committee on Finance Riksdagen 100 12 STOCKHOLM DNR 2006-1217-STA The General Council’s consultation...

Response by the Riksbank to the European Commission’s consultation on possible further changes to Directives 2006/48/EC and 2206/49/EC (the Capital Requirement Directive)

121 kB -

Office of the Director General Financial Stability Department Dnr: 2009-682-AFS Response by the Riksbank to the European Commission’s consultation on possible further changes to Directives 2006/48/EC and 2206/49/EC (the Capital Requirement...

The Riksbank's Company Interviews May 2010

294 kB -

The Riksbank’s Company Interviews MAY 2010 T h e R I k s b A n k ’ s C o M p A n Y I n T e R v I e w s2 T h e R I k s b A n k ’ s C o M p A n Y I n T e R v I e w s 3 The Riksbank’s company interviews in May 2010 Recovery on a broad front, but...

Separate minutes of the Executive Board meeting on 13 October

27/10/2004 -

PRESENT: Lars Heikensten, ChairmanEva SrejberVilly BergströmLars NybergKristina PerssonIrma Rosenberg Kerstin AlmClaes BergJörgen EklundMithra EricsonMats…...

Separate minutes of the Executive Board meeting on 12 February 2008

25/02/2008 -

Separate minutes of the Executive Board meeting on 12 February 2008...


567 kB -

 I N F L AT I O N REP O RT 4/2001 Contents Foreword Chapter 1 Inflation assessment Summary The main scenario The risk spectrum Outlook beyond the forecast horizon Chapter 2 Determinants of inflation External economic activity and inflation...

Bäckström: Perspective on the inflation target

17/04/2002 -

First I want to express my thanks for the invitation to attend your Association and discuss various aspects of the Riksbank's assignment. I truly look…...

Microsoft Word - 980612.doc

63 kB -

SVERIGES RIKSBANK Telefon Telefax E-post 08-787 00 00 08 - 21 05 31 OPENING REMARKS Governor Urban Bäckstöm FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1998 Conference on Monetary Policy Rules, Stockholm, 12-13 June, 1998 Sveriges Riksbank and...