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Bäckström: The Swedish economy

27/11/2001 -

First a word of thanks for the invitation to this evening's meeting. I intend to talk about the Swedish economy and monetary policy.The past year has been…...

Heikensten: Challenges for the Swedish fixed income market

08/05/2001 -

The Swedish fixed income market has undergone a fantastic development over the past 20 years. This refers to both the volumes traded and the level of sophistication.…...

Nyberg: The repo rate - spring 2002

22/04/2002 -

I should like to begin by thanking you for the invitation to this discussion and the opportunity to develop some ideas on the Swedish economy as it looks…...

No 137. Financial Instability and Monetary Policy: The Swedish Evidence

653 kB -

Sveriges Riksbank Working Paper Series Financial Instability and Monetary Policy: The Swedish Evidence U. Michael Bergman and Jan Hansen June 2002 No. 137 WORKING PAPERS ARE OBTAINABLE FROM Sveriges Riksbank • Information Riksbank • SE-103 37...

tjmn wwppp1.dvi

260 kB -

Zruog0Zlgh Sxufkdvlqj Srzhu Sdulw| Wru Mdfrevrq dqg Pduldqqh Qhvvìq-- Ghfhpehu 4<<; Devwudfw Zh h{dplqh orqj0uxq SSS ehwzhhq Jhupdq|/ Juhdw Eulwdlq/ Mdsdq dqg wkh Xqlwhg Vwdwhv ryhu wkh shulrg 4<63 0 4<<9 xvlqj pxowlyduldwh frlqwhjudwlrq...

No 105. Conducting Monetary Policy with a Collegial Board: The New Swedish Legislation One Year On

01/03/2000 -

by Claes Berg and Hans Lindberg Abstract In this paper we discuss the recent experience of conducting monetary policy with a collegial board according…...


73 kB -

NOTICE DATE 8 October 2004 CONTACT Press Officer Tomas Lundberg, tel. +46-8-787 02 15 SVERIGES RIKSBANK SE-103 37 Stockholm (Brunkebergstorg 11) Tel +46 8 787 00 00 Fax +46 8 21 05 31 1 [1] This year's...

Monetary Poliy Report 2007/2

2508 kB -

monetary Policy report 2007:2 S v e r i g e S r i k S b a n k 1 M O N E T A R Y P O L IC Y R E P O R T 2 0 0 7 / 2 CHAPTER 1 Monetary Policy Report The Riksbank’s Monetary Policy Report is published three times per year. The report describes the...

Monetary Policy Report 2007/3

2773 kB -

Monetary Policy Report 2007:3 S V E R I G E S R I K S B A N K 1 M O N E T A R Y P O L IC Y R E P O R T 2 0 0 7 / 3 CHAPTER 1 Monetary Policy Report The Riksbank’s Monetary Policy Report is published three times per year. The report describes the...

Weekly report 2007-12-07

101 kB -

Weekly Report Assets, SEK million 12/7/07 Change from previous weekly statement due to transactions Gold 23,002 -24 Claims on residents outside Sweden denominated in foreign currency Receivables from the IMF 4,116 -6 Balances with banks and...