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Central banks and climate change
The direction of the Riksbank’s climate-related work
Published: 25 January 2023
Since climate change affects the Riksbank’s areas of responsibility, long-term sustainability is important for the Riksbank. There is a sustainability committee at the Riksbank that coordinates and develops work on the basis of a sustainability strategy.[4] See the Riksbank’s sustainability strategy and work on sustainability. The Riksbank’s ambition is to work systematically with the sustainability dimension in all of its various activities.
Based on the sustainability strategy, the Riksbank shall take account of climate change and promote an orderly transition to a sustainable economy within the framework of its mandate. The Riksbank will do this by
- working to bring its own operations gradually into line with international agreements such as the Paris Agreement
- contributing to the understanding of the impact of climate change on the economy through its own research and analysis
- having a sustainability perspective in its asset purchases and in the management of the foreign exchange reserves within the limits of the Riksbank’s mandate
- promoting increased transparency and disclosure related to climate footprint
- promoting financial market rules that reduce the risks that climate change may pose to the financial system
- actively participating in various international networks and partnerships to help reduce the risks of climate change at a global level.
January 2023
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