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Communiqué on the Retail Payments Council’s meeting, 22 March 2019

01/04/2019 81,6 kB -

Communiqué on the Retail Payments Council’s meeting, 22/03/2019 The Retail Payments Council’s ninth meeting took place on Friday 22 March 2019, chaired by Deputy Governor of the Riksbank Cecilia Skingsley. At the meeting, the participants

Zombie Firms in Sweden_Implications for the Real Economy and Financial Stability

29/09/2020 587,9 kB -

Staff memo Zombie Firms in Sweden: Implications for the Real Economy and Financial Stability Cristina Cella Financial Stability Department september 2020 ZOMBIE FIRMS IN SWEDEN: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE REAL

Quality adjustments and international price comparisons

24/01/2020 767 kB -

Staff memo Quality adjustments and international price comparisons Oskar Tysklind Monetary Policy Department January 2020 QUALITY ADJUSTMENTS AND INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS 1 A staff memo provides

Communiqué from the Retail Payments Council’s meeting, 14 November 2019

27/11/2019 137,3 kB -

1 [2] Communiqué from the Retail Payments Council’s meeting, 14 November 2019 The Retail Payments Council’s tenth meeting was held on Thursday 14 November 2019, chaired by First Deputy Governor of the Riksbank Cecilia Skingsley. The

BNP-utvecklingen i Sverige relativt omvärlden i spåren av covid-19

12/06/2020 309,6 kB -

Ekonomiska kommentarer BNP-utvecklingen i Sverige relativt omvärlden i spåren av covid-19 Yıldız Akkaya, Carl-Johan Belfrage, Vesna Corbo och Paola Di Casola1 Författarna är verksamma vid Riksbankens avdelning för penningpolitik.

GDP growth in Sweden relative to other countries in the wake of Covid-19

12/06/2020 313,9 kB -

Economic Commentaries GDP growth in Sweden relative to other countries in the wake of Covid-19 Yıldız Akkaya, Carl-Johan Belfrage, Vesna Corbo and Paola Di Casola1 The authors work in the Monetary Policy Department of the Riksbank. The

How does climate change affect the long run real interest rate?

26/11/2020 886 kB -

Economic Commentaries How does climate change affect the long-run real interest rate?1 Emma Bylund and Magnus Jonsson The authors work in the Riksbank’s Monetary Policy Department. “Central banks would benefit from enhanced

Weekly Report 2020-07-23

27/07/2020 69,1 kB

Weekly Report 2020-11-15

17/11/2020 69,1 kB

Weekly Report 2020-11-23

25/11/2020 69,1 kB