Payments in Sweden 2020

Published: 29 October 2020

People in Sweden are paying more frequently by card or the app Swish, instead of in cash. This trend has grown stronger during the coronavirus pandemic. To prepare for the future, the Riksbank is investigating the possibility of issuing digital cash – the so-called e-krona. The Riksbank is additionally making preparations to allow instant payments, such as Swish, to be made using the Riksbank's system. The Riksbank and ECB are also investigating the possibility of implementing instant payments between European currencies such as the Swedish krona and euro. In addition, it is the Riksbank's opinion that those who want to use cash should be able to continue to do so. It is also necessary that payments in Sweden can continue to function in times of crisis and heightened alert.

Swish is now used more than cash

The Swedish people’s answer to the survey question “What means of payment have you used in the last 30 days?”, percentages. Several response alternatives are possible.

Figure: Swish is now used more than cash

Use the slider below the diagram to change the time interval. Download the data from the diagram by clicking on the arrow to the right, above the diagram. Source: The Riksbank.


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